Tube amps with Apogee Scintilla's your thoughts ?

I should receive my Apogee Scintilla's tomorrow. Just wondering what is going to happen when I throw the switch to the on position on my old VTL 300 mono's.
Will they handle it or will they expire ?
These are the original 1 ohm version. If there are any users (past or present), what kind of amps did you use on your Scintilla's ? thanks for your thoughts (prayers for the vtl's might help)
There are very(!) few tube amps that can adequately drive the 1 Ohm Apogees, though I can't imagine why anyone would want to, when ss is so obviously a better choice in this application.
Big Krells were the order of the day in the day. High current Classe' were also used when high volume levels weren't required. There have been reports of successful use of the newer Class D switching amps being used with Apogees, the H20's in particular seem to popular with some Apogee users.
I believe Magneplanar successfully sued over ribbon patent infringement, and that the patent might have recently expired, and that a new company is refurbishing and producing new (and improved?) Apogee like models.
True, solid state is a better choice, but if you have the Deluxe 300s, why not try them? They may not play music super loud, but they will play music.
I. This case, the transistor is king....krells are the choice.
2. Clip an amp into them and you might not be happy. Jallen
It is my understanding that Magnepan successfully sued Apogee because of patent violations of Magnepan's ribbon technology. Apogee could not survive after this and I believe Magnepan got the right to use Apogee technology which they never have. I'm aware of the new company that is/are going to try to produce Apogees again. I would also assume they are aware of Magnepan's probable interest. You are correct in that the two speakers don't look similar at all. I don't know if the patent has run out. I would assume Magnepan would renew their patent. Magnepan's ribbon is a remarkable sounding work of art. I'm a big fan.