Powering off Equipment-Silly question


Is there any difference between powering off an amp by pulling the cord out of the wall vs hitting the Off Button?

I ask, because my amp has a wood face plate and due to the cold weather it has swelled to the point where the power button is stuck and will not release.

Will any harm be done by pulling the power cord out of the wall? I would think that both pretty much do the same thing,, ie, cut of AC to the unit.. however given the choice, (which I do not have) it is advisable to use the power switch.
You don't have a switch so I wouldn't worry about it.
Any reason that you don't leave the amp permanently on ?

On some amps there are muting relays so that the amp shut down doesn't result in speaker noises, but on most amps there are not. It's probably not going to do any harm, but best of all might be to leave it on all of the time.
thanks for the responses, the person I bought it from emailed me the solution, however the Power Button actually popped out on its own sometime this afternoon.

Sean, I do not leave the amp on, the tubes are mucho expensive, and the amp draws lots of power....you and I live in Northern Cal, PGE prices makes sure it is prohibitive to keep amps on 24/7....have you moved yet?, that may answer it...
BigJoe, LOL, living in Sunny CAL, but those wavacs use some exotic woods..

Cold typically causes contraction, not expansion. My guess is that you have a moisture problem, not a temperature problem.


now that the switch is in the extended-out position, perhaps you might spray some lubricant (WD40, Teflon, etc) onto a Q-tip & then apply that around the button's perimiter such that the constricing surface is lubricated, which might improve the situation?