Concrete or Wood floor in listening room?

I'm thinking about building a listening room. It will be a concrete slab. I'll be using carpeting in the room. Should I put plywood down on the concrete first or just carpet over the concrete?

Carpeting on a concrete slab is done no matter where you live. I'm more interested in the sound quality of one versus the other rather than building practices.

My gear is a digital front end to tubes to horns.

Thank you all
In that case, put the carpet over the slab with some good padding. You don't need to add a wood floor and open your room up to potential vibrations. You also don't need the low frequency waves reflecting between the slab and the wood floor above it.

I like block walls instead of studs too.

Horns huh? I love horns. My home theater room speakers are all fully horn loaded.
Horns huh, have you talked to Jim Smith of Avantgarde? He will strongly beg that you put wood over the concrete. I talked to him in mid construction of my room and he talked me into the same basic construction as Dave described. I can't say if it's better since it's a tough one to A/B, but my horns sound pretty darn good in there. Call Jim, he's really helpful and would be able to really describe why it is so important.
Yes horns, Duo's. I Have not talked to Jim about this, thought I'd talk to the (other) experts first.


Think of your floor as another wall. Concrete walls absorb nothing. A well constructed sub-floor will be just as good as cement in isolation from vibration.


While I don't agree with your choice of sound room> all block room, sounds interesting with horns in a " you are there..LIVE sort of way.
