10/3 or 10/2 to each outlet?

Going to have electrician install 4 dedicated lines from my main panel. If using 10/2 to the outlet, both plugs will share the same circuit. Am I better off going 10/3 wire with a hot wire to each plug and sharing the neutral and ground as in a 10/2 setup? What are the advantages or disadvantages of going 10/2 vs. 10/3 wire? Should I be looking at a subpanel with my runs going to be approx. 30-35 ft?

Outlet 1 - Dual mono amp with 2 cords
Outlet 2 - processor and Dvd player
OUtlet 3 - Cd player
Outlet 4 - Tube preamp

This is the plan, at the moment. Where would you put a 5 channel amp with the above? What would you switch around. I also will use a 1 duplex Stealth mini Digital conditioner and a Regular (3 duplex) conditioner. Would you use 10/2 to all outlets or go 10/3 with some? ANyhow, I value your insights and thank you all for the lesson in electricity. Cheers. Dave
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Thank you all so very much for the explanations. I've learned alot from this thread.(Jea48...great explanation). I takes alot of effort to communicate these concepts to the uninitiated. Just a couple of last questions. I met with a very competent electrician this morning and we discussed all the options. Here's what we decided.

1) We'll go the subpanel route and run 3 #4 wires from the
main panel to sub panel (6-8 ft from audio rig once in
2) Breakers will be 20 amp 'square D' type.

Now here's the dilemma and I now understand the differences between dedicated circuit and dedicated line and using 10/2 vs. 10/3.
We were going to go 10/3 in an isolated ground situation and wire each duplex separately. I don't think we'll do that anymore for the above reasons. I think we'll wire each receptacle as a dedicated line and if I don't use the other outlet so be it. I will then have 4 dedicated duplexes in two separate receptacle boxes. 1 for amps (4 outlets on 2 dedicated lines) and the other box also have 2 duplexes (4 outlets) on 2 other dedicated circuits. I just have 3 other questions....

1) Does 10/3 come in solid core copper or is it always
twisted? I understand that solid is the way to go.
Jea48, do you mean the conductors in 10/3 use twisted
or braided wire or that the black,red,white, and ground
are twisted upon themselves (like Kimber 4TC speaker
cable). Not sure why you mentioned this. WHat are the
disadvantages of this configuration?

2) If I decide to run 10/2 from the subpanel I cannot do
an isolated ground scenario. How do I ground 10/2
circuits? Tell me I don't need a separate grounding
rod. If I am using 2 receptacle boxes (with 2 duplex
outlets in each) do I have to always use isolated
ground circuits, thereby calling for 10/3? If I chose
10/2 can I use the main panel grounding wire?

3) When hooking up to the subpanel am I correct in the
thinking that amps go on one side(2,4,6,8 etc.)or the RT
side and the other components on the LT.(1,3,5,7,etc).

1 2
Source,analog 3 4 Amps here?
and digital here? 5 6 Will have 2 dedic.
Will have 2 dedic.7 8 lines on this side.
lines on 2 outlets (2 duplexes)

Help, we're almost there....honest! I appreciate it.
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The subpanel will be a 120/230v 60amp panel. OK? In an insulated ground scenario, do you need both an insulated ground bar in the subpanel (for red wires) and also another ground bar for the bare copper wires? Does the 6AWG from the sub to the main connect to the main grounding rod or is another rod required? By installing in the same phase or line at the subpanel, wouldn't I be overloading one side too much? In this configuration, I assume putting 5 outlet on the LT side only in the 1,3,5,7, and 9 positions. Thanks for the class Jea48, how much is the tuition? I sure have picked up alot. If you need medical advice or questions, let me know. Cheers.