Wife approval factor?

So it seems that alot of you guys seem to have problems with your wifes or girlfriends on speaker issues and I was wondering what type of women yall date/married.

My mother has always approved of my speakers and has generally liked them. And my girlfriend also loves my speakers. When she heard my new JM Lab speakers she hugged me and gave me a kiss before she started dancing with me. Am I just lucky or what? Or are yall even serieous about the wife thing?
My wife is very accepting of all the equipment that comes rolling through here. Of course, I often suspect that's because She's cheating on me with the UPS guy. That's okay as long as the equipment keeps rolling in:)
My spouse not only approves, she participates! She isn't as obsessive about audio as I am, but at least we share that common interest.

We listen together frequently. We plan future upgrades together. We discuss equipment, acoustics, tweaks and music in general. Needless to day, I generally get no grief for eyeballing a new piece for the trophy room.

The caveat now becomes which piece? The one she wants or the one I want?

No free lunch I guess...
A very serious girlfriend of 3 years walked out on me and never came back and asked / told me not to contact her again after I purchased about $3,000 worth of Acoustic Science room treatment stuff. Hey, I needed some help moving the ''tubes'' into their correct position.....best of all, it was MY house !!!!This was a situation that a women just did not understand this hobby and best of all, she really wasn't into music..... My friends tried to tell me....so back in the market for a new one. Hey, is there a site for that like Audiogon ?
just a quick opinion......when your wife leaves you don't blame the stereo...and when your sound sucks, don't use WAF as your sorry excuse