What is " lowball"

Do any of you have an idea of what constitutes lowball as a general rule. I have purchased things at 75% of asking price and have been ignored at 90%. All my sales have involved some haggling to find a middle ground and some started at what I thought was a lowball, so it annoys me when I am ignored. I guess it is better than getting involved with someone too busy to type NO THANKS and hit send. I'm just curious what everyone considers a rule of thumb in regards to making offers.
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significantly below market price. where that is 90% or 75% depends on the item and the people involved. Lowball is well below market price. Also it seems that only white, north american males ro not *like* to haggle. I don't know why. I hate to make it a racial thing, but that's just been my observation. Everything is negotiable! :-)

Also, I'm willing to bet that sellers who do not respond to your 'lowball' offer are not too busy in any way. I think they were just 'insulted' by your lowball offer and are 'returning the insult' in kind by simply ignoring you. I remember that from when I was a kid. Sometimes an adult wouldn't even acknowledge you. It was basically saying "you aren't worth the effort for a reply." So sad. :-/

I agree with Viridian. Since no one actually knows what the seller considers a "lowball" offer, I feel that any offer is appropriate.

If the seller doesn't like it, they can just say so. I believe that ignoring someone's offer is rude.
Do you want to deal or not?

If it doesn't say OBO, than offers other than asking are uncalled for.

If it does say OBO, make an offer.

So you are a buyer and you get a lowball... Ignore the email and move on with your life, don't raise your blood pressure.

So you made an offer and you didn't get a reply from the buyer? It isn't a karmic scar, move on to another piece of gear.

Obviously, there is *no* formula for what a lowball is. 85% may be low for an ad that has been up less than a day. 85% might be high for a item that has been up 2 months. Not saying I'm perfect, but my general rule of thumb has been to try to explain any offer that I make at below 90% of list price--its been up there X days, there are X others for sale at a lower price, the bluebook is X, etc. You might avoid offending a buyer that priced unrealistically (and therefore get the reply you want) if you do some work for them.

Dave, when you play poker, do you also ask people what cards they have in the middle of betting? I think you missed the point of bargaining. The appropriate response to "what is the minimum you would accept?" is "I'll tell you after you tell me what the maximum you will pay is."