What is " lowball"

Do any of you have an idea of what constitutes lowball as a general rule. I have purchased things at 75% of asking price and have been ignored at 90%. All my sales have involved some haggling to find a middle ground and some started at what I thought was a lowball, so it annoys me when I am ignored. I guess it is better than getting involved with someone too busy to type NO THANKS and hit send. I'm just curious what everyone considers a rule of thumb in regards to making offers.
Aroc, I have been ignored when offering 95% on items and it just made me wonder what obo meant is all. It will take more than rudeness from an anonymous person on the web to break my heart and I'll keep trying I guess, all in all I find this to be a great way to get exposure to gear not available around me and I've met some nice people as well.
Thanks Edesilva, no I don't play poker...I like to watch though! I did buy a lottery ticket just before I retired...the jackpot was at $100,000,000 and I really wanted it.

I think the OBO might be selected by default when you start an ad. But I'm not sure. Someone can clarify I'm sure. If so, that would explain why an ad might have OBO in error. Just a thought.

From the responses it seems that almost everyone has an opinion that differs slightly.

People say it is rude to not reply to a lowball offer, but is it rude to offer someone a rediculous price? And it does happen. I think if someone is really pushing the envelope on their offer, they shouldn't be surprised if they get no reply. That said, I agree with others that it isn't that hard to simply reply back with a No.

As for OBO or Firm, I wish they would remove it. I generally want close to my asking price, quite frankly I think that option just confuses things.
Let's agree on one thing, if your item is resonably priced (within the market value range), and someone offers you 50%... thats a lowball offer.

While I would reply "no thanks", I can see why some people would not want to even start negotiating there.

This has happened to me on more than one occasion, and its hard to concieve that an offer liek that would come from a serious buyer.
