Quicksilver V4 vs Manley Snappers

Is anyone able to describe the differences between these 2 amps? Bass, midrange, heat, etc.....much appreciated.
Ive never owned either but my bro had the V4s and Ive heard the snappers many times.IMO the Quicksilvers do things better.The snappers live up to their name,too snappy for a tube amp if that makes sense.Another thing to consider is resale.Manley doubled their prices over night ,pissing alot off also causing the used prices to go up.For that alone I wouldnt buy Manley..plus ,again my opinion the Quicksilvers smoke them...good luck.
It all depends on what speaker you use. There is no black and white answer to your question.
Like Missioncoonery, I've also been around both a lot.

Like both a great deal. In terms of companies, you're dealing with excellence on either side. When it comes to heat, the V4s are definitely warmer, though certainly not to the point where it should be a concern. I own amps that run hotter.

Sonically, it's really a case of them being very different products. The Manleys are more engaging, upfront and brash. The Quicksilvers more romantic, lush, and rich. Personally, I really love the V4. If I could order the Snappers with the triode option, things would be closer though I might still opt for the V4. For what people traditionally expect out of a "rock" amp, the Manleys get the nod.
A little more about the V-4's, it is easy and quick to check and adjust the tube bias if needed. This is a big deal as it lets you spend more time listening plus the added benefit of easily trying different bias settings permitting you to taylor the sound some. Did I mention they're bullet proof, run trouble free, a joy to own... etc...etc......

FYI-- You can order the Snappers with a Triode/Ultralinear switch option. I order this on all my demo Snappers.

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