The person in question was a woman, who, "did not own a computer, was computer illiterate, and wouldn't even know how to turn one on."
Yet another 'black eye' on the faces of the RIAA, which could be an acronym for 'really ignorant, arogant a**holes.
Just my opinion, but any time an entity becomes so large that it can and or will sue dead people of her situation, they deserve all the contempt I (maybe we) can muster.
Not only do they resell us 'Bridge Over Troubled Water" for the fourteenth time on a new type of medium, they probably cheat Simon and Garfunkel out of their fair share.
Yet another 'black eye' on the faces of the RIAA, which could be an acronym for 'really ignorant, arogant a**holes.
Just my opinion, but any time an entity becomes so large that it can and or will sue dead people of her situation, they deserve all the contempt I (maybe we) can muster.
Not only do they resell us 'Bridge Over Troubled Water" for the fourteenth time on a new type of medium, they probably cheat Simon and Garfunkel out of their fair share.