Burned out Audiophile - Trying to Find some Zen


Wanted to know if others out there have felt the same way.

I think I am burned out of looking for the next best or just changing gear. I have decided, it really is like chasing a rainbow. I believe, I will not get much greater joy even if I continue to upgrade (now stand around 15K worth of gear) Sure, to get new gear is fun when you first get it, but them, as always, in a couple of months, the longing for change comes back. For those who have lots of money to continue the ongoing chase of sonic narvana - they can afford the chase. For me, maybe there are other things to pursue instead of a pair of speaker or DAC. I still listen and enjoy music, but I may have come to the end of my road as a restless searcher for sonic change/perfection.

Anyone else out there have successfully jumped off the buy and sell cycle? What have you done with yourself since? Have you felt the audiophile id calling for you again?

Just some passing thoughts- thanks
I think we have all felt like that at one time or another...at least the most crazy of us (I am certainly included in that group). I am about to go into steady state as far as my system is concerned. It took me a while to figure out what "I" like!!! Yes, it took a lot of trying gear, and cableing, and isolation devices, and racks...and...yad yada yada..and no..my system is not perfect. But it is to the point where I am very pleased..and I would like to focus on other things. The only thing I would change is to a more dynamic speaker (Big MBL's or Big Von's)...but that is alot of money and space I don't have right now...so I am done. In my curreny salery range, I have gotten as far as I am going to get (which to be honest is not that far from where I want to be).
It is a great hobby but some take it too far. As soon as you have more $$$ in gear than you do in software you have crossed the line and started listening to equipment rather than music.

If it gets boring you can always do volunteer work or start jogging. At least it is safer than sky-diving.
does this sound more real to you..." no matter what I buy ,or how much more i spend i cannot find the sound i want or am looking for"....

Trying to run away from your problem or taking a break will improve your outlook(on nothing)LOL....it will certainly not get you the sound you want.Keeping searchng, it's out there.
Rich, I know exactly what you mean. I went through very similar feelings of hitting a wall; spent too much for diminishing gains. I reached a point where even though the system might be 'better' in some audiophile respects, I wasn't really enjoying the music to any greater degree.

A few things helped me. For one, I cleaned house and got rid of things that were fuelling obsessive behaviour more than bringing respite. In my case, I unloaded (horreur!) my vinyl and accoutrements. Yes vinyl sounds better, but the amount of use didn't warrant the storage - and I was buying vinyl I'd never listen to...

Then; major break through - I threw the T.V. and all AV stuff out of the den as well - mostly I just channel surfed anyway.

Downsized to a good CDP with a nice integrated and tasty monitors...

At the same time I did work on some Zen things to try to break that cycle of restless acquisition; enjoy the moment, instead of thinking ahead, waiting on something better to come along...I highly recommend Eckart Tolle "The Power of Now" on that score. The title might sound like the usual pop-psych pap, but it is truly deeper and simpler...

Can't claim a cure, but in remission. Just in case I sound smug...my wife says: "Every time you decide to simplify, it costs me money!"

I recently experienced a similar feeling. After much contemplation, I decided to "simplify" my system to ease my nervosa.

I kept my Exemplar 2900 front end. Sold my Pass preamp and amp (that was hard to do) and replaced them with a Cary SLI-80 Signature Integrated w/ NOS tubes.

Thought I'd have to sell my Revel F-30's because surely the Cary couldn't drive 'em.

Well, my downgrade was no downgrade at all. I pocketed a bunch of money, the Cary drives the hell out of the Revels-even in 40 wpc triode mode!- and my system sounds better than ever.

I guess I'm lucky that my "downsizing" brought more musical joy and money into my life. Zen? Contentment?
Not quite, but a pleasant surprise.

Good luck in your quest.