The black hole of component repair?

Is the repair time for components typically measured in months? I have been fortunate over the last ten years with this hobby but at the end of January I had to send an amplifier and a DVD player in for repairs. The DVD player was past warranty and had to be sent to an independent service facility. They have had the player for 6 weeks and informed me today that the manufacturer in the UK sent them the wrong part (or maybe they ordered the wrong part) and they are waiting for the correct part. Looks like another 3-4 weeks before I see the DVD player. The amplifier was under warranty so that went back to the manufacturer. The amp sat on the floor for 6 weeks. I was told today that they have looked at it and that they have located the board they need to fix it. They may be able to get it installed in a week but can not make any promises. I am guessing that it will be another 3-4 weeks before I see the amplifier. I know some of this repair time is unavoidable but weeks can quickly turn into months especially with shipping time and components sitting around for weeks before they are even looked at. I now know why there are frequently things for sale on Audiogon where the listing states something like "just back from the factory in perfect working order". I guess when you send something in for repair you might just as well go ahead and replace the item right away and then sell whatever you sent in for repair when you finally get it back.
I'll third Bryston. Seven days total time including rountrip shipping.

A lot of folks here put Bryston down for being a bit pedestrian, but they make a great product and back it with a true committment of 20 years.

I get a bit of a kick reading about (high end) components
needing service, and the time it takes under warranty.
After warranty they get a gun to the head on the repair charges.

I've also had good luck with Classe, and I'm sure there are many more great companys out there.Those are the ones that will get my business.
I had great experience with ARC.I had to send my Dac-3 for repair .They took four weeks ,maybe few days over of total time including shipping back and forth,and I live in Canada.Also very impressed with Krell.I called for a general question regarding my Krell transport and left a message,same afternoon Patrick from Krell called and left three messages trying to explain my question the best he could.I did appreciate that a lot.
I got one for you: I bought the Synergitics Research Quattro box--(Latest x2 shielding,device)--It has been back and forth since early January about 4xs. ea time I'm promised "1-day-turnaround"-- Their words exactly.
I still don't have this back, yet. Just so we know they are practically in my zip code--(So.Cal) It has NEVER worked in all this time. How'z that for service?? --- Next, I expect them to tell me it is now out of warranty.
Gee, and I thought taking just under a month to get my former Pass Labs X1 fixed and returned (not counting shipping time) was bad. Oh, I still do. ;-)