Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
But that does not mean that parts which measure different in some respect will necessarily sound different, which was my initial point. As I said, it depends on the amount of the difference, and on the design of the component in which the part is used. And of course on the type of part, the function it performs in the particular design, and on what parameter is being measured.
Agreed, plus associate components in the system ... endless possibilities.

I'm ONLY sharing my experiences and NOT trying to convince anybody anything.
05-07-12: Tbg
Bryoncunningham, does it matter which is true? I think not.
Does it matter? It matters if you're interested in the question of whether fuse direction has audible effects. It doesn't matter in the way that unemployment matters, or climate change matters, or global poverty matters. But then again, neither does anything we discuss on this site.

Whether something matters depends on what you think is worth talking about. Apparently you don't think fuses are worth talking about...
None of this discussion matters much to me.
Wait a second. Aren't you the one who started this conversation?

Bryoncunningham, you grossly misrepresent what I said. We are talking about tastes here. Does the fruitiness of the wine matter; does the fuel economy of various cars matter to you; etc. Also I am not arguing that what we discuss here does matter to some of us. Obviously, you don't think others' experiences with fuses matters. I value others' experiences, but mainly I post to share my experiences, but I expect only some will find them valuable. Your experiences have not be valuable to you; fine.

Yes, I said "this discussion" suggesting all of it irrelative to my initial post. I erred, what I find useless is your posts and those posting meaningless comments. I knew full-well that the cockroaches would come out of the walls when I posted my initial comment. I have had private comments, which are now awkward on Audiogon, sharing their experiences with fuses.
Tbg wrote: "None of this discussion matters much to me. I am merely stating my experiences"

Tbg, It is discussion forum. If discussion does not matter to you then perhaps fuse REVIEW would be a better format? Once discussion started (with your participation) it would be polite IMHO to avoid such comments.
Wow, Tbg. That was quite a volatile reaction. I suggest you take a cooling off period before you read my reply.

Here was my initial comment…
I'm not saying that fuse direction can't have audible effects. I'm just saying that, for me, it did not. That could be because...

1. My ears aren't good enough.
2. My system isn't good enough.
3. My amp is not sensitive to fuse direction.
4. Nothing is sensitive to fuse direction.

About which is true, I don't really have an opinion.
And here was your reply…
Bryoncunningham, does it matter which is true? I think not. To each his own. None of this discussion matters much to me. I am merely stating my experiences.
When you say “…does it matter which is true? I think not…” you seem to be saying that the question of whether fuse direction can have audible effects doesn't matter. To say something “doesn’t matter” is to imply that there are things that DO matter, but this isn’t one of them. Which is why I wrote…
Does it matter? It matters if you're interested in the question of whether fuse direction has audible effects. It doesn't matter in the way that unemployment matters, or climate change matters, or global poverty matters.
How that “grossly misrepresents” you is a mystery. Maybe you can identify exactly how it grossly misrepresents you, and you will have my apology. Until then, I will assume that it fairly represents you, and that you didn’t like what you saw. What I saw what a person who was trying to end a conversation because it led to the expression of views different from his own. That happens all the time around here. In fact, you and I have had a total of three conversations on A’gon and it has happened in two of them. The first time, you said this…
I think the entire discussion is largely irrelevant as people will buy what they like and can afford.
“The entire discussion is largely irrelevant” sounds a lot like “None of this discussion matters much to me.” They both sound like a person who is trying to end a conversation. Perhaps you will think I am again grossly misrepresenting what you said. I think your comments speak for themselves. Moving on…
Does the fruitiness of the wine matter; does the fuel economy of various cars matter to you; etc.
If this is intended to be a clarification of your position about what matters and what doesn’t, I can tell you that it clarifies nothing. I don’t even see what the two things you mentioned – wine and fuel economy – have in common. From there your post gets increasingly bizarre…
Obviously, you don't think others' experiences with fuses matters. I value others' experiences…
Let me get this straight. It’s ME who doesn’t think other people’s experiences with fuses matter. Where did you get that from? Was it from my comment that...
… I tend to take audiophiles' listening impressions at face value, unless I have a good reason not to. Sometimes I have a good reason. But most of the time, I recognize that he was there in the room and I wasn't, so why not give him the benefit of the doubt that he heard what he heard.
I said that in this very thread, along with a number of other comments that reveal that I do in fact value others' experiences. The idea that my comments suggest otherwise is preposterous, as anyone who has read this thread will plainly see. Also, your characterization of me reminds me of something... a phrase... Oh yes, it “grossly misrepresents” me.

And now we go from the bizarre to the surreal. Your comment that...
I value others' experiences, but mainly I post to share my experiences…
Let’s leave aside for the moment that this statement is a self-contradiction. Instead, I will ask you, does a person who values others' experiences, as you claim to, write this...
None of this discussion matters much to me.
Does a person who values others' experiences write this...
…what I find useless is your posts and those posting meaningless comments.
That condemnation of other people's posts appears just three sentences after your claim that you value others’ experiences. That is an impressive level of cognitive dissonance. And now for the coup de grace…
I knew full-well that the cockroaches would come out of the walls when I posted my initial comment.
Them’s fightin’ words. Would you be so kind as to identify the cockroaches on this thread? You of course intend me to be among them. But the other cockroaches would probably like to know how you feel about them. Especially in light of the fact that you value their experiences.
