There Ought To Be A Law, Or At Least A Rule

A common post goes, "Is XXX company still in business? I've tried reaching them with no success..." I recommend Audiogon limit these types of post. High end audio is populated with many under financed small, if not single person operations. Anyone who has ever run their own business knows how difficult it can be to handle research, marketing, manufacturing and distribution at the same time. I'm not trying to defend unprofessional behavior, but some slack should be afforded to the smaller firms. A post on Audiogon questioning a company's viability cannot in any way help these small entrepreneurs and high end audio in general. I propose that anyone starting this type of post have to include the actual dates and methods contact was attempted as part of the post. Furthermore, I recommend Audiogon delay posting the question for 48 hours as an attempt is made to contact the manufacturer and alerting them to the post's content. Possibly some of the regular posters could volunteer to perform the contact.
If it is true that company "a" does not answer phone or return e-mail that is a valid concern and should be taken into consideration about whether you buy company "a" products. I run small business and answer all phone calls during business hours and return e-mails promptly, expect others to do likewise.....this should not be diffcult to do!

If small company is temporarily closed because of vaction or business trip, indicate that in phone message....don't leave customer in the dark, this is basic business 101.

If original post is off base usually others will post they had no such problems with company "a" therefore reader can make his own asessment.

Lets not get to point where we cannot say anything negative about small companies sevice to customer.
Sorry, I also disagree with the premise. If a manufacturer gives lousy service potential customers should know. Usually someone knows the scoop, so if theres another explaination we get it. When the answer is something like they are on vacation, changed phone service or they moved their website the info is here and they actually are getting a free service.
On many occasions loyal customers rush to their defence, so in effect they get free positive feedback listed here where lots of people browse around.
Would you want to find out a company went belly up or that they are the dregs when it comes to service before or after making a purchase?
Sometimes I wonder if such postings are not a promotional device. The follow-up postings are usually an explanation of why there was difficulty contacting the manufacturer, plus praise for the fine product. Many times this is all about an outfit that I for one had never heard of, before the original posting.

"There is no such thing as bad publicity".