That's OK Dean, Mona's long forgotten you by now. It's the "trying
hard" that's the fun part, eh? You did try hard, didn't you? If not, it's
never too late to bone-up on your technique. Quit jerkin' off and start
practicing! A tongue is a terrible thing to waste. Just put your head to the
grindstone and keep at it and you will be richly rewarded. You can lick this
setback man, I know you can!
hard" that's the fun part, eh? You did try hard, didn't you? If not, it's
never too late to bone-up on your technique. Quit jerkin' off and start
practicing! A tongue is a terrible thing to waste. Just put your head to the
grindstone and keep at it and you will be richly rewarded. You can lick this
setback man, I know you can!