Breaking into the industry

Hello all,
This may be off topic, but i was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to work in the HiFi industry. I am graduating from college in May with a degree in economics and the more i think about my options, the more i want to turn my back on a career in banking or finance. I absolutely adore music and would nothing more than to be surrounded by it everyday. Thanks fo the help,
rar1 I have only waited this long for a job in the audio industry. I have two job offers in new york and if i cannot get into hifi i will take one of these positions.
I am sorry but I can't offer you the type of job you deserve - with your degree. You deserve a high level job, and not just an entry level sale's position - but that's all I need, and my friend who needs money will come help me out.

With your degree, it would be nice to get a managerial position of some sort.

Are the jobs in NY related to business or hifi?
If business, that might not be bad for a while. You can save money to open your own hifi shop later. Also, once you get your feet wet and get into the groove of things, it might be better than you think.

But if your heart is really in music, I would keep one eye open all the time, and try to read and learn more about it - if you want to open your own shop later.

I know a professor who opened his own shop - and he is happier than when he was teaching - after 15 years of studying and teaching in a field, he decided music was his passion.

Hope you find yours - soul searching can be difficult, but I heard that youth who does a lot of that, doesn't have it so hard at mid-life crisis.

Anyway, I concur with you - music is a many wonderful things.


You might try:

Harman International--They own a variety of companies including Levinson and Proceed. Well capitalized and they pay well.

Just a thought.

I would stick to the banking/finance career and in your spare time start reading everything audio, experimenting, maybe taking EE classes at a local college, building kit components, PC's, IC's, etc. and see what you like specifically. Then focus on that area and start to turn the hobby into a serious side business.

Good luck,