Which label printer for jewel case edge?

I am transferring a bunch of CD's from albums with sleeves into jewel cases. To save space, I would prefer to use the thinner jewel cases, as opposed to the standard CD size. Does anyone know which label printer will print text small enough to run the title/artist on the edge? I don't need the program for graphics, etc., just a small/tiny text printer.
Thank you for your help,
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Wait a minute: Are you all saying the labels go on the outside of the case and sort of wrap around the edge? Even with clear tape, a la Elizabeth, does this method hold up to wear -- with the labels on the outside I mean?
Thank you, Elizabeth. I'll go to Best Buy today.

Nsgarch, I'm talking about the plastic edge of the jewel case, the one you look at to read the title of the CD when it's on the rack.

Thanks for the help,
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