What age did the "audio bug" hit you?

I was always into music, and as early as 7 yrs old I would put 2 sources next to each other (2 tape decks or a 8 track, or recoed player) and fade them over each other and play "D.J." all day long, in High School I ran the closed circuit radio station and was the D.J. at the local YMCA for dances to raise money for our "leaders club" and did a few weddings here and there, then I was a D.J. at a lesbian bar for awhile (down guys! these chicks rolled their own tampons) but all the same I look back and I guess I was always some sort of an Audiophile...what about your stories???????????
I was 6 or 7 & my brother, sister & myself would sneak downstairs & sit in front of the console stereo & turn it on. We used the single red light on the front for our "meeting".

Not long after that we moved to Germany ('63-'65) & I heard the Beatles when I was 8. I remember having a battery powered Magnavox record player & would borrow my brother's to do the "DJ thing" like Chadnliz.

In addition to having my home stereo I do pro sound work at least once a week, so music was meant to be part of my life.
i recall my interest in the accurate reproduction of music began during a discussion with aristotle on the philosophy of mathematics.
While my Dad wasn't an audiophile he did listen to music and was/is a gadget freak. In the late 60s he brought home an Eico integrated tube amp and an old Garrard turntable that my brother and I hooked to a console speaker for one channel and a homemade speaker for the other. It must've sounded like crap by current standards but at the time it was pure bliss. Forty years later music can still provide goose bumps but not as consistently as in those days.
I was first caught tearing apart clocks, then my first old radio, before I even knew how to read. Built some elementary kits in gradeschool. Built a 2-way shack, cheap sound system, & my own pirate radio station in the basement by age 13. Built my first big speakers & a tube integrated in mid teens. My iron is still smokin' (& I solder too ... :-)
When my Dad told me not to touch the Mac, so I started messing with the AR TT.....