Your "DREAM" piece

If you could replace one component in your present system with a "dream" piece, regardless of price, that would be synergistic with your other components, what would you choose? Remember, don't pick a piece that you could not use with the rest of your other components, such as a SET amp because your speakers are not efficent enough or a pair of speakers that your present electronics could not drive to an optimum level because of not enough watts/current. My "dream" piece would be to replace my Pass Labs X-350.5 with the Pass Labs X/A-200 mono-block amps. It would "only" cost about another 20 grand, but this thread is a fantasy anyways, right! Hope just for fun you GON members will share your "dream" pieces with the rest of us. Thanks.
Not a "dream" piece for me, however I'd like to know what a set of Levinson 33's would do for me in place of my current amplification.

Actually I'm quite happy with my system as it is today. I consider myself lucky as I read of other's quest's for musical nirvana!


Paul :-)
I would replace my current speakers with a pair of Sonus Faber Stradivari my dreams.....

Stradivari Homage

I'd probably upgrade my turntable (and cartridge and phono stage) as it's currently my weak link.
Not really in dream territory, but a Notts Analog Spacedeck, with an RB600 and a Denon DL103R would probably fit the bill very nicely.