Your "DREAM" piece

If you could replace one component in your present system with a "dream" piece, regardless of price, that would be synergistic with your other components, what would you choose? Remember, don't pick a piece that you could not use with the rest of your other components, such as a SET amp because your speakers are not efficent enough or a pair of speakers that your present electronics could not drive to an optimum level because of not enough watts/current. My "dream" piece would be to replace my Pass Labs X-350.5 with the Pass Labs X/A-200 mono-block amps. It would "only" cost about another 20 grand, but this thread is a fantasy anyways, right! Hope just for fun you GON members will share your "dream" pieces with the rest of us. Thanks.
Natalie Portman or Catherine Zeta Jones. I think the synergy with my system would be incredible.
My everyday dream is the housing market to tumble as hard as it could and I will buy a bigger house to set up my $200K equipments ( MBL 1621&1611, ML2.1&L2, Tenor 300HP, Kharma exquisite ref 1a with diamond tweeter&kharma enigma cables, BPT sig pluse conditioner, Epiphany PCs, HRS rack & amp stands, CEC TL0 MKII, cello pallete preamp, EAD pro9000 gold modified with all black cap DAC Pluto turntable, LP2 dulex phono ).

Any comment is wellcome.
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