Mapman, you said,
"Is fox news biased?
How about cnn?
These are major providers of news to millions."
That is an excellent example of a Strawman Argument. It is illogical to argue that because a news station is biased that all tests of an audio device or component are biased. I suppose that is a skeptic's wishful thinking. As I already pointed out, nobody is saying (expectation) bias does not exist in audio, it's just that bias can be eliminated as a culprit (by care in testing). Besides, the type of bias that appears to apply in this case is actually negative bias, since most skeptics like yourself and others are predisposed to believe the fuse cannot possibly work. You won't hear it because you psyched yourself out. Lol
"Is fox news biased?
How about cnn?
These are major providers of news to millions."
That is an excellent example of a Strawman Argument. It is illogical to argue that because a news station is biased that all tests of an audio device or component are biased. I suppose that is a skeptic's wishful thinking. As I already pointed out, nobody is saying (expectation) bias does not exist in audio, it's just that bias can be eliminated as a culprit (by care in testing). Besides, the type of bias that appears to apply in this case is actually negative bias, since most skeptics like yourself and others are predisposed to believe the fuse cannot possibly work. You won't hear it because you psyched yourself out. Lol