05-16-12: KijankiNo need for concern. I've installed a Dark Energy Electron Regulator of my own design. It works through a proprietary technology called Quantum Sequestering,* in which Higgs Bosons are suspended in an electromagnetic field through Superconductive Supercolliding Supersymmetry. This revolutionary technology is almost exactly like the Large Hadron Collider, but considerably smaller and with no moving parts.
Bryon, Be sure that you don't have any DC on power line. Electrons in the fuse wire don't move with AC (vibrate in place) but with DC they will very slowly move (called "drift velocity") from your expensive fuse into home wiring. Don't let expensive electrons, that you paid for, drift away!
The Dark Energy Electron Regulator (D.E.E.R.) will be available in the fourth quarter of 2012 at a special introductory price of $4,999 for the standard edition. The Special Edition, which is $6,999, is treated with quark-gluon plasma for two weeks before it ships. Terms and Conditions apply.
Terms and Conditions: No home trials. No refunds. Opening the Dark Energy Electron Regulator voids the warranty, and may result in the temporary reversal of space-time, leading to what we call the "Benjamin Button" effect. We strongly discourage customers from taking any such risk. If the D.E.E.R. is opened, it is likely to trigger an instantaneous antimatter collision, so that the box will appear empty.
*Patent Pending. Well, Patent Applied For at least. Actually, they told me to stop writing the patent office, but I think they were joking.
Accepting all forms of payment, provided it is mailed in cash to my P.O. box in Burkina Faso. Address available on request.
Bryon Cunningham, PhD