Is ebay feedback worth anything on Audiogon?

I guess I'm curious as to the value of stating "check my feedback on ebay" when someone has little or no audiogon feedback history. While I may be cautious of new sellers here (it doesn't mean I won't buy from them, I do and we were all new once), sending me to ebay for feedback usually turns me away from the ad. I don't buy or sell on ebay because it's such a scammers paradise. Does ebay feedback matter?
Another thing while I'm up at 4am, how hard is it to put the "New Retail" price in the ad? Items that are 4-5 years old I understand, memory fades, but something bought within the last year or within the last month? If I have to do the seller's reseach in this regard, I skip the ad. All of those boxes are there to fill out to help sellers. The more information, the better.
It's 5:30 now and I guess I'll get some coffee. Good morning everybody.
I like to have a phone chat either buying or selling. With all my sale items I reply with a phone ## and suggest the buyer call.....some do, some don't.


Paul :-)
eBay is the Devil. Not enough info...?

First, I've been on AudiogoN since there was about 3-5 new ads per day. I knew everybody that utilized the site. We didn't exchange feedback. I bet I had 15 transactions before I ever felt the need to ask for feedback. I actually had a guy send me a $5000 preamp to listen to just becuase he wanted me to hear it! I sent it back 14 days later. No problems.

Over the past couple of years the eBayers have been trickling in. More scams, more negative feedback, more problems, more "not as advertised".

While this is still the main (if not only) place I utilize, it has become tainted....and it all started with "check my feedback on eBay."

Three times I've "trusted" the eBay feedback crap. Three times I've been burnt. I'm sure there are good people using eBay, I know some. But why take the chance?

Advise for newbies (no matter where you are from):


BTW...this made me think of somehting else I've seen more of lately. Some new guy with ZERO feedback (or even more humorus if they have negative feedback) advertising a piece for $15,000 and demanding certified funds up front. Are you kidding me? Let's see you want me to send you $15000 upfront on something I could buy new for $17500, I don't know you, you have no feedback.... come on folks use some common sence people.

Once again, if you are the new person with no feedback, don't be so demanding with what you will and won't do. Go back to where ever you think that would float...

Enough, this subject comes up ever so often (I bitch every time). Buyer Beware!


Well, as you state, everyone is new here at one point or another. Those who are new to Audiogon assume that their Ebay rating should have some merit here, (regardless of that fact that it doesn't). I usually cut them some slack, and as Clamps says, get a phone number and actually talk to them on the phone. I do this for all my big purchases, and I invite all my buyers to call me as well.
(It puts them at ease, since I only accept money orders, as I hate PayPal.)

One thing Mt10425: You started a short paragraph at 4 am, and finished it at 5:30 am? An hour and a half to write 5 sentences? Have a great weekend and get some sleep man!
Yeah, thanks Kurt. I usually type slow but this morning I had to think before I typed (not always the case as some of you know from my previous posts). :))