is it an upgrade or just fun?

i used to think that i upgraded for better sound but now im not so sure.

i was in the middle of upgrading my rig when i fell 32 feet from a roof at work & smashed my hip(you bet it hurt) & due to that i couldnt lift anything let alone move big ass amps in & out so my rig stayed the same for a few months,during that time i listened more than i ever had & realized that the rig was perfect & needed nothing.

well now that im up & around again & the the morphine's all gone i got the bug again,within the last week ive bought 3 new peices & i have my eye on a few more & i like it!

it seems that for me trying out new things is atleast half the fun so i ask is it REALLY an upgrade or just alot of fun trying out new things?

What was your rig doing on the roof where you work!?!

But seriously, I think its all part of the fun. Seeing what else is out there, looking for ways to improve. Possibly finding the perfect combination!
This seems to be one of the biggest mental blocks about my hobby for my wife - that I actually enjoy the process of trying out new stuff. It's definitely fun to try different things even if you're not expecting them to bring an improvement.
It's fun to try new stuff, for sure, but for myself I find it too nervewracking to change my main system frequently. My system has been stable for some time. I've heard better speakers, I know my cart could use a better arm, but even so I'm hesitating to change things. Right now I'm into acoustics, setup and room treatment. Maybe I'll get the bug later, but right now I'm happily occupied.
Kthomas and I share the same situation. My wife gives me a look every time a new piece of gear arrives. I try to get home before she does if delivery is expected.
After settling into my current system the purchases have slowed down considerably.
I don't know about you,but I sure wish I had a few of the pieces that I let go when I"upgraded" back