Ok, this time I'm serious...
In addition to the Pass amp I used for my fuse experiment, I have a Parasound Halo amp that I use for home theater. Yesterday I opened the Parasound and removed all the fuses, 6 in total. First I cleaned the endcaps with Cardas contact cleaner and then I polished them with Progold. I reinstalled the suckers and fired things up. I thought I noticed a slight improvement, though I may have been imagining it.
Then I decided to clean and apply Progold to every contact in the system, including the contacts on the power cords and IEC inlets. Now THAT was audible.
In addition to the Pass amp I used for my fuse experiment, I have a Parasound Halo amp that I use for home theater. Yesterday I opened the Parasound and removed all the fuses, 6 in total. First I cleaned the endcaps with Cardas contact cleaner and then I polished them with Progold. I reinstalled the suckers and fired things up. I thought I noticed a slight improvement, though I may have been imagining it.
Then I decided to clean and apply Progold to every contact in the system, including the contacts on the power cords and IEC inlets. Now THAT was audible.