Man, am i losing my hearing?

I gotta get my hearing checked!

I swear i hear things as well as i used to, but as time goes on i feel i have a hard time distinguishing what is being said. Seems like i am having a hard time making sence of what i hear.

Ive recently started seeing a new girl, and i swear she mumbles from time to time. She has been giving me crap about it latley.

I'm only 28, my hearing was excellent back when i was in the military, but it has been a while since ive had a test.

Whats the point in spending thousands on a stereo system if you cannot distinguish the subtle nuances anymore?



Havent talked to you all in a while, been too busy with the car and the new girlie. Looks like i might score a free 14lb Vortech Supercharger for the ol Mustang. Will have to redo the fuel hoses and fuel pump, and it will void my warranty, but an extra dyno'ed 184+ RWHP? Crap! That will put roughly 394-400 horses at the wheels!!!!!!
How could i turn that down? hell, i bet i could pull a low 12 second 1/4 mile in this altitude! maybe low 11's at sea level!

or maybe that is a bad idea? ROFL

Good to hear from you again. Do yourself a big favor and don't get your Stang to hook up too well. You WILL break things if you try too hook hard and that is very expensive.

You're too young to have this kind of hearing loss. Sorry to read about it. A good friend of mine that shoots several thousand rounds of shells through his shotgun each year has similar hearing but he can hear every change I make to my system. He recently upgraded his system and is very happy with the results. Previously he had said many times that it was a waste to spend the money because of his hearing loss. I'd really urge you to drop the need for speed before giving up on audio.

Yeah, and in spite of what your girlfriend says she might mumble. Get a hearing test. If you are okay then it's her. If you're not okay she needs to accomodate your hearing by looking directly at you when she speaks.

Have fun with the Vortech but watch out.
Its called attention span deficit, or no short term memory when it occurs in the presence of a new girl fried. Your mind is occupied with things other than the words from her lips. :-) Now if you have this problem with music or others speaking, go see the doc.

Good hearing from you! its been a while!
Yah, the biggest problem with it is my warranty will be totally voided out. Seeing as how it is a ford, that is not the best idea. ROFL
Hopefully he finds somebody who is willing to buy it, then i dont have to worry about it.

You may very well be onto something, I might have to have her over again tonight and explore this in more... depth..


I just got a brilliant idea to test your theory, ill have her read the first chapter of "The Great Gatsby" naked...
I doubt i would understand any of it regardless to my hearing situation, but it should prove to be fun either way!