7/7 London

To Audiogon members residing in Britain, particularly in London, my thoughts are with you in the aftermath of yesterday's despicable, horrific events. We must all stand firm in our resolve against the actions of a small group of fanatics intent on causing us fear and harm.
Danlib 1,

What in the hell does 9/11 have to do with Iraq? The answer: Nothing. People keep bringing them up in the same context as if they had something to do with each other and they don't. That is one of the ways that "ol W" and his buddy Dick duped so many Americans into accepting their rationale for illegally invading a sovereign country and murdering thousands of totally innocent civilians, including many women and children. If you want to get a little glimpse of the U.S. brand of terrorism then check out this man's story of watching his 4 children die before his eyes:


How would I win the war on terror, you ask? "The War On Terror" is a total misnomer. Terrorism is a method, not a thing or an object, or even a particular group of people. It is a marketing slogan used to sell you a product. Large scale military invasions don't work in this new world. That is old school and only makes it worse.

Start by doing WHATEVER is necessary to track down the men directly responsible for 9/11 and bringing them in to pay their bill. It has been over 1300 days since "ol W" declared that he will bring in Osama "dead or alive". Macho posturing has to be backed up with results at some point. The most sophisticated electronic and satellite surveillance at our disposal worth billions and he can't bring in this guy after almost 4 years. Something doesn't add up here.

There is no way to rationalize or forgive the despicable acts of terror that were committed in London, Spain, NYC, etc. But if you are going to solve any large scale problem (such as terrorism) then you can only do it by making sure that you keep looking at ALL of the facts and be totally honest about both sides of the story. Please, let's keep it real.
Great points, Danlib1.

Daddy0 - Technology cannot necessarily find bin Ladden(sic) A good analogy would be our hobby - As hard as we try, we cannot use technology - no matter how much we spend to get the Perfect Musical performace, even though we can come close. We have come close several times to catching ben Dover(again,sic) - but he manages to give us the slip.

BUT - What would people say if we were NOT using every electronic/high tech system to find him???

Low-tech may be the answer - a method almost as old as time itself - it's the same stuff that may be covering your phono jacks - gold to the right person - but I doubt it...

And, yes I am also sick of the Bush Bashing. Hey - Florida 2000/Hanging Chads/etc. is Over - so get over it.

Don't forget that Clinton also believed that Saddam had WMD-and said so- because the same guys who told Bush Iraq had WMD previously convinced Clinton as well.

Bush and Cheney made all that info up to launch the Iraq war? Well, maybe in some Oliver Stone movie.

Illegal invasion? Every invasion is "illegal". We did'nt stop and fill out an application before rolling into Germany 60 years ago. Come to think of it, they did'nt check with the Poles in '39 either- but I digress.

Great technology only does so much. Finding Bin Laden won't come down to satellite photos- it'll come down to human intelligence or dumb luck. And we have killed or captured some guys DIRECTLY responsible for 9/11- remember KSM? It was his plot!

We've murdered thousand of innocent civilians in Iraq? I would not agree without eveidence that the number is thousands of innocent civilians. But war does suck- remember the British fire bombing Dresden? The US incediary raids on Tokyo? THEN we killed HUNDREDS of Thousands of innocent civilians. War is always terrible.

As far as looking at both sides of the story and understanding facts, read what I said above. Those are the reasons Bin Laden attacked the US- all facts.

Was Iraq involved in 9/11? I don't think so by any means.
Never said so either. But since we're in Iraq- and they're coming to fight, why not, to paraphase the Koran,"kill the enemy where you find him"?

You may not call that the "war on terror", but it's the only way we will win this war.
My thoughts and prayers go out to our good friends in London. Looking at the faces in the photos was sad and difficult. I'm sure that I and my coworkers had the same look when we exited the Pentagon after the plane ripped into our bay. Londoners and esp those closest to the bombings will have many tough days ahead, but I found that a trust in God, and supportive and caring Family and friends made each day better. There will be days ahead to deal with the dirtbags but today we are all Londoners...hurting but resolute.