Cats and audiophiles

Are there any cat owners and audiophiles out there? Do your cats listen with you? I have four hyperactive bengals 2 males 1 year old and two females 18 weeks old. The males will listen to chamber music but not symphonic; all hate opera. None use the Avalons nor the Acoustats as scratching posts... lucky I guess. All four will sleep or listen on the sofa except the alpha male Crash (apropos). He will wander over to the Spectral DMA 180 and lay on it for warmth ( why I don't know because the room is warm enough). They will all leave disgusted if I attempt to put on rock or jazz. They will listen to Mozart all night long or until they are hungry, in which case they will "coo" (bengals coo--rarely meow) and do their love bites to let me know it is time for food.
I ,in my past experiences with the pussy-cat...have seen some short ones,hairy,hey some owners even shave them.There were some some that smell pretty awful.Fishy sort of smell...must be all that tuna.Wet ones too...oh how they hate the water.I've met some with headaches too....
If you asked a dog to jump off a cliff he would be stupid enough to do it. If you asked a cat he would look at you and look at the cliff and say "If you think a dog is man's
best friend why don't you jump off with him", turn around and go find something to eat.
My first cat would listen to anything, but liked rap - for the strong bass, I guess. I hate rap, but sometimes put on Will Smith and the like to humor him.

My cat that survived him doesn't care; she listens to everything.
My three, Zoë, Isabelle, and wheels enjoy the Hifi. Zoë (orange tabby, male) is the consummate audiophile likes analog and can’t sit still with digital. If that doesn’t make a case for vinyl... When not sitting on the knoll post of the stairway (centered) behind my listening chairs, he is trying to steal my spot every time I get up to change the record. Purrrrrrs endlessly but, with his mouth open! Isabelle (silver tabby litter sister to Zoë) is tolerant of it all, but shows little real interest with one exception. When I play The Pixies she flees. As for Wheels (b&w tuxedo male) named, because he was found in an abandon car. Enjoys most things I play. I think he likes TV more. Must have something to do with his street cat, blue-collar upbringing. Don’t let his fine dressing fool you. Funny thing is, I thought I was going to deal with some issues with the Atma-Sphere Silvers down on the floor but, so far, no problems. I guess it’s because they run so damn hot and there is no spot on them to stretch out.
My 19-year old male black & white tuxedo passed in December. He was my faithful music listening companion, and I truly hated to see him go.

For all his life, he had an unbelievable affinity for jazz and Russian classical music. The Russian classical thing was really uncanny and fun to watch. He would sit in the listening room for hours on end if you were willing to adhere to a Russian program, but any break from that - especially German music - would run him right out of the room. I never understood why he never took to French impressionist era music or Delius, for example, both of which certainly strike me as cat-friendly music.

I once tested this Russian music phenomenon by playing the Shostakovich 13th Symphony (Babi Yar) through from beginning to end at high volume. The cat perked up, sat on the arm of the listening chair and purred throughout the entire 1-hour plus program of the unrelenting, bellowing Russian basso. Impressive.

Our new friends are two seven-month old male tuxedo kittens. They are currently in training ;>).