Cats and audiophiles

Are there any cat owners and audiophiles out there? Do your cats listen with you? I have four hyperactive bengals 2 males 1 year old and two females 18 weeks old. The males will listen to chamber music but not symphonic; all hate opera. None use the Avalons nor the Acoustats as scratching posts... lucky I guess. All four will sleep or listen on the sofa except the alpha male Crash (apropos). He will wander over to the Spectral DMA 180 and lay on it for warmth ( why I don't know because the room is warm enough). They will all leave disgusted if I attempt to put on rock or jazz. They will listen to Mozart all night long or until they are hungry, in which case they will "coo" (bengals coo--rarely meow) and do their love bites to let me know it is time for food.
"In the beginning, God created man, but seeing him so feeble, He gave him the cat." ~ Warren Eckstein

"There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat." ~ Wesley Bates

"I've met many thinkers and many cats, but the wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." ~ Hippolyte Taine

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." ~ Edgar Allan Poe
this is one of the few long threads i've read. too much fun.

i have 2 long hairs: vito & xena. xena, well, she'd like to spend time in the listening room but vito, the alpha male, won't allow it---he's quite dominating but so handsome he gets away with it. he's also known to listen w/ me for hours on end...but if i get up to get a snack, he'll jump into my listening chair and refuse to leave.

most interestingly, they never used to listen when i owned merlins or soundlabs, but they love the WP6s, as i do.

I think cats and music go hand in hand, as they are both a source of introspection...
an audiophile spelling lesson: fazed vs. phased... Belongs posted with that other thread ["you know you're an audiophile when"] you confuse 'phased' with 'fazed'. Of course I meant the latter although I posted the former above.

Yes Albert: Roxi is an INDOOR squirrel; sounds just a little bit eccentric doesn't it? Yes she chews on the furniture, & everything else that she can sink her big rodent teeth into. The house is pretty well trashed; she once even got ahold of the edge on one of my speakers & took a small hunk out of it. Doorjams, cabinetry, furniture, paneling & trim have all suffered some abuse from time to time. But this has been going on for many years now; we started out with 'Rocky' rehabbing squirrels over ten years ago & this now is our sixth one. It's definitely a surreal experience.