Best isolation device

I am currently running a tube pre and solid state amp. I am trying to decide on a set of feet to set them on. The problem is that I have a glass and steel belo rack. Wife. I am not sure I will have enough clearance for a platform as well the cones. I have considered black diamond and mapleshade. I just want something that will work on glass. Thanks for the help.
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If you must stay with glass shelving you could replace it with safety glass, as in windshield glass. It's a laminate which should help dampening. Acrylic would be an even better replacement...
My experience has led me to the conclusion that there is no such thing as "the best" isolation device that works well in all systems in all situations. There are just too many variables involved to extrapolate the results from one system to all others. Isolation feet that work well under a turntable on a glass shelf in a rack sitting on a cement basement slab may not sound good at all under a CD player on an MDF shelf in a rack on a joisted floor three flights up in a 150 year old house. Unfortunately there's no substitute for trial and error.
Bob_bundus, how do glass doors affect resonant glare?

MANA uses glass shelves to great effect. I would recommend thick (at least 1/4") tempered glass. Like anything in audio, try it, you might like it.