Why is it so much more civil over here on Agon?

A member on another forum site asked an honest question, check out his question and some of the responses. Is it because of the moderators here on Audiogon, or is it because the members here would not put up with it?
Was I justified in giving my response? I have no idea what the follow up response will be.

There were a few people that flamed around here on occasion. Two things happened. One was the moderators which not only would remove their comments if they were too far out of line, but would remove that person's moniker from the site. Of course, they could come back with a new moniker, and some did, but after a while--why go somewhere if you aren't welcome. The other aspect, which is far more effective, are the other users of the site. You can see a thread where one person makes a cruel comment (particularly if it's to a newbe) and you'll find the next five comments are people talking about what a jerk the guy that made the cruel comment was and that there are no stupid questions---etc. The people here seem to really care about the hobby and encourage others to participate, whether they own NAD or Marantz equipment, or the top Krell and Levinson equipment. Some other sites (and sometimes retail outlets unfortunately) have people that feel the need to show how smart they are and how superior they are because they own better equipment than the new guy can afford (or maybe he can afford it, just hasn't experienced it and found the desire to buy higher end equipment). I think most would agree that this type of attitude has had a significant effect on the market size of this hobby.
One gives the benefit of the doubt to free expression, the other only wants its own version of what the audio world should be where more money always equals better sound. You probably will not be able to read this. This post is sort of like the tree that falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it.
I thinks it's a combination of the moderators and also the further effect of the moderators in that there seems to be a certain class of internet rabble rouser that just won't post in a "moderated" forum and sees all moderation as a draconian imposition on his rights. I say let those folks stay over at AA.
I do see a few situations arise like that one on audiogon, but never to that extreme. It's not about being a newbie. Some people believe strongly that if you aren't sending a load through the tube amp, you shouldn't leave it on. That's not exaclty newbie knowledge. That's a reason not to hang out at AA. I never did like that site. The layout, and the members like that just plain suck.
im with jond,leave em over at AA,i dont go to AA much just beacuse i dont care for the format of the whole site.

i also agree with rives,guys who post responses like that always remind me of the sissy's in high school who always had to try to make others look stupid in order so they could look good then go tell the teacher after you wear em out.
