Power port, Venom, Watt Gate, or What?

As I have apparently overcome my resentment/reticence for power cords, being significant additions in a stereo system, recently, my question is "Are the rumors/statements regarding the notion of significant gains being realized by adding some after market outlets, MYTH or MAGIC?

I'm talking "noticeable" differences, now... not something you have to strain to hear or are system dependent... You know, one of those "Man I wish I had done that a long time ago." sort of things.

Is there an aftermarket outlet that is just flat out good to add to anything, or any system, and no question, as to an improvement being OBTAINED.

I have three dedicated 20 amp circuits, though using the 25 cent Home Depot 15 amp specials, still, as outlets for all the gear.

I'd really like to hear about this aspect. ..no, I haven't gotten past the resentment towards PLC's just yet. Just PC's, and maybe outlets... if you tell me there is an advantage, of course.

Thank you. . . as always
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I agree with what Tvad said. I am using PS Audio Power Ports and feel they are a good addition. They did not, however, jump out at me as a disernable audible improvement. I feel you will get the same benfits from pass and seymore hospital grade outlets available at any hardware, electrical outlet supply house or home depot for about $6.00 a piece.

Use the one that fits your price point, or makes you feel the best, because that's about all there is with these
Obviously none of the above have experienced the amazing revelation of going from a hi-Q industrial / hospital grade $25-level outlet to the Wattgate 381. This resulted in the absolute transformation of my Accuphase system driving ultra sensitive & revealing horns. I'm using a single #10 awg solid copper dedicated AC circuit for the whole rig + Chang Lightspeed line conditioning.
I heard a substantial improvement in my CD player when I installed a PS Audio Statement Extreme power cord. I since then installed them in the rest of my sytem with very little if any audible improvement. But I know directionally it was the right thing to do just as I have installed PS Audio Power Ports. If you have three dedicated 20 amp circuits you owe it to yourself to install at a minimum hospital grade outlets. But as I mentioned above I did not hear substantial improvement by installing the Power Ports. But I knew directionally it was the right thing to do to get maximum benefit from my dedicated lines. And besides it was a pretty small investment given the total cost of my system. Just my thoughts.