Power port, Venom, Watt Gate, or What?

As I have apparently overcome my resentment/reticence for power cords, being significant additions in a stereo system, recently, my question is "Are the rumors/statements regarding the notion of significant gains being realized by adding some after market outlets, MYTH or MAGIC?

I'm talking "noticeable" differences, now... not something you have to strain to hear or are system dependent... You know, one of those "Man I wish I had done that a long time ago." sort of things.

Is there an aftermarket outlet that is just flat out good to add to anything, or any system, and no question, as to an improvement being OBTAINED.

I have three dedicated 20 amp circuits, though using the 25 cent Home Depot 15 amp specials, still, as outlets for all the gear.

I'd really like to hear about this aspect. ..no, I haven't gotten past the resentment towards PLC's just yet. Just PC's, and maybe outlets... if you tell me there is an advantage, of course.

Thank you. . . as always
Funny that the posts so far don't state any obvious improvments.I received one Porter Port Outlet,which I plug my Monster Power Conditioner Power strip into as well as my turntable.
The sound quality improvement jumped out on my system big time.
The noise level was substantially reduced.My LP Playback became much,much,quieter.I could hear much better high frequency response.Also due to this the sound stage opened up more.
I already have a lot of RFI issues in my home,but with the Porter Port it stopped it dead in its tracks.I suppose these outlets must be very room,or home dependent depending upon which enviroment it is installed in.
But for my home it made a huge improvement right out the gate.
Obviously you are going to get alot of varying opinions concerning this topic. All I can say is try it you may be surprised. Obviously I find this an interesting subject as I keep chiming in. I have heard positive comments about the Wattgate, Porter Ports (cryo'ed hubbell) and PS Audio Power Ports. While others swear by the common old hospital grade outlet such as pass & seymour.

Porter? Hubbel? Hosp. grade? Cryo'd something or other... I suspect a better build that allows for more pressure at the contact point, and/or better materials in those points makes a good bit of sense. so I'll look into the Hosp. grade recepticals. Can't hurt. It'll take more to put them in than to get them...

Thanks. - jim
Well, given the insight, experience and valued opinions, which by the way I am grateful for them all, I've made my choice.
Hospital grade it is... Leviton. Red. The color alone should prove beneficial....in finding the outlet.

I'm not discounting the remarks, not at all, just given those and my own experience, save the cryogenics... an outlet seems just an outlet. Surface area, composition of the connection materials, and pressure, with the additional benefit of a separate ground from the circuit which in my case is arbitrary as all ckts are dedicated... makes the most sense. $29.00 shipped. Moving the racks out of the way wil be more the effort than replacing the receptacle.

I'll be overwhelmed I'm sure by the sheer onslaught of golden power forthcoming from the newly added gateway to audio wonderment. . . and it's 'red'.