Black Diamond Cones ADVICE

Hi Carl,Albert,Greg...I just ordered 3 from Jeffs Sound Values.They told me to just stick them under my Rogue 99 and forget them.I don't think its that simple.I wish it was.Anyone have experiance with these?I plan on putting the cones point down directly on my shelf. Im not concerned with scratching the shelf its high density MDF and has steel particles mixed in.I cant afford THE PITS yet.Any recommendations for a DYI footer or do I even need one.
BM, They will have an effect on the sound of the Sony DVD unit, you will notice better bass and a much better sound stage with the Valid Points than the BDR. Albert is right about not using them under every thing, I use them on my transport, pre-amp, amp, but not my dac,it didn`t seem to make much difference there,and I`ll try them with my turntable when I get one to see if that works. My pre-amp and amp are tubes ,so it made a BIG difference there, you can call Tom at 440-526-1724, he`ll give the run down on them, you have 30 days to listen to them, if you don`t like them you can return them.They do WORK WELL, you can read about them in absolute sound, they like them ,and so did M.F. at Stereophile, he like them very much!!!Greg
Thanks Greg, I will check into that later this week after I set up the Denon. I have questions regarding speakers and interconnects for the Denon AVR 5700 in the System Matching section. If you can spare a minute I would appreciate a second opinon.
Most reviews I have seen have been very good concerning the BDR especially Stereophile.It sounds like the general opinion here is BDR is inferior to many other products.If so,what was the big hype about when the were new?Did I make ANOTHER mistake by ordering these? I e-mailed JEFF @ SOUND VALUES and he said no return on discounted items.
To David99,I didnt say they won`t work, just they don`t work as well as the Valid Points,you will hear the difference with the BDR OVER YOUR STOCK FEET, but the Valid Points are much better, also you could try the BDR under your turntable . Some people like these very much,so if you don`t like them you could always sell them. do talk to Tom he`s a great guy. hey if you want you can e-mail me at home without having to come here. Greg
I don't think you made a mistake David99. There is nothing that is perfect in the vibration control arena. And no single product does it all. Location, under-floor support, rack material/structural integrity/damping, shelf material/thickness, etc. The cacophony of all these things that vibrate affects the sound you get, not just the cone under your equipment. Judiciously used the BDR cones can be very beneficial. IMHO, the common mistake is made when you find something beneficial like BDR cones under your transport, and then assume if you put them under everything, get BDR shelves for everything etc, that things will just continue to improve in proportion to how much BDR is in the system. When this results in a system that resonates to the sound of BDR, the mistake is compounded by removing every vestige of BDR altogether, and leaping on the next band-wagon. So hang on to the BDR cones. Use them judiciously and they can play a very valuable part in a resonance control strategy. Too much of the BDR can play havoc with tonality, but from my experience, too much of the Walker Valid Points causes problems too - mainly in the pace and rhythm department.