It's not the sound I want!

My system consists of a Krell kav300i, Aeriel Acoustic 6s and AdcomGCD750. I have Cardas cables , Jenalabs interconnects and Synergistic Research ac chords. It sound great at times but I find many cds hard to listen to. I listen to vocals with acoustic guitar and the guitar sounds detailed but so metalic and unnatural. It sounds like sombody is playing a saw with a bow. Is this what digital really sounds like? Is it sytem matching? I dont think it is the speakers. Is it just a matter of settling for the best we can get for $8000.00 and limiting what we listen to?
Source, source, source! I adamantly echo the above comments. The Adcom is the likely "weak link" in the system. Audition higher quality CD sources (Wadia, Linn, Naim) and evaluate the change for yourself. And of course the room should ALWAYS be considered a component.
I also agree that the Adcom has GOT to go! In addition, I would say GET SOME TUBES. Given the resolution oriented amplification and speakers that you have, and the fact that you like acoustic guitar and vocals, you could do very well with SOME tubes somewhere in the system. A good way to try both recommendations might be to pick up a tube dac like the Cal Labs Alpha. $3-400 used, plus $50 or so for a digital cable, and you can try an upgrade to your digital as well as some tubes, without too much pocket-ache. Lastly, don't despair - identifying a sound that you don't like is an important step towards finding that ultimately satisfying system. And for most of us audio nuts, that last step always appears within our graps but just out of reach .....
I agree that the source is the most important. Try something like a Meridian 508.24 and the improvement will amaze you.
I'd echo much of the above comments primarily because I found myself in nearly the same position--and there was no mistaking that the "cure" was a new CD player. I had managed to scrape together some Thiel 2.3's, and Bryston 4B-ST amp, and a VTL pre-amp (my first dabble with the tubes), but was making it all go with the help of nothing more than a decade-old Yamaha changer (which is, admitedly, a whole lot worse than your Adcom). Nothing doing. Trouble was, I was REAL tired of spending money, and was just looking for an adequate CD player that would give the rest of the equipment a chance to shine while I got over the horror of realizing how much I had already spent (even buying used). By that time, I was also pretty infatuated with tubes, so I started looking at playeres from the likes of Cal Audio, Jolida, et al. By chance, I stumbled on this AH!Tjoeb retrofit sillyness which is based on a not-so-special Marantz player and then essentially gutted and re-tricked out with all of the latest fancyness and a tube stage. (for an extensive litany of praise, check out Well, I bought one, pretty much on a whim (can only order them from the factory in Holland or from a fellow named Kevin at Upscale Audio in CA, check out thier website...). Truth be told, if you have the will to invest in a Wadia, more power to you--I wish I owned one myself (or Levinson, or Meridian, or Linn...). But I've found that this little (ugly) tubed retrofit has hade me happier than I imagined it could. I had planned on it being essentially transitional when I bought it (yes, had to buy it unheard, which was tough, but they're only around $550 with all the options...) but I suspect that I'll end up hanging on to this one for a while. Maybe it's not your bag (maybe you should just sell the farm and go analog) but I would strongly suggest that it is worth a consideration. Best of luck, Peter
I hate to jump on the band wagon...but the Adcom is not the best choice. I would also say that the Krell, in my opinion, is not a very good amp either. Hyped, yes, but it's performance leaves much to be desired. I know that an integrated helps shorten the chain and lessens cost, but how about selling both the Krell and the Adcom and use the funds along with a bit extra(less than adding a DAC to the Adcom), and look for a good quality neutral amplifier and find a used Wadia 830 (former class A component, recently discontinued) and going direct connect, using the variable out of the Wadia for pre-amp functions,if you are a single source person. There are a number of reasonably priced used amps out there by CJ, ARC, Pass, ETC. that would make your promising system really sing!