Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
And the magnitude of difference heard within a reflective pinball machine would be more or less...or none at all. If you knew how to listen thru all of that maybe one, would be able to decipher the audio code. Ask the Pin Ball Wizard he may know. The difference of these fuse types is not subtle..no more than my dismissal of those who partake here and say there is no basis for difference or that they are unable to hear any. That's their findings..Looking thru a optically challenged Hubble telescope only reflects the glare not the substance. Tom
I understand you point but I simply don't agree with it and the analogy of the pinball machine- it's simply too absurd. I don't have bat ears and the difference was immediately apparent.

Given the treatment that has been done before the wall receptacle (which has already been addressed), the effects of the fuses can be greatly lessened.

I also pointed out, earlier, that two different integrateds I have had vastly different results: a rather large one with one unit and a very small one with another. I think one was simply a better made unit (same fuse types).

Add the quality of a well made unit and the quality of the power before the wall and it's easy to see how much less the benefits of a fuse can be. It's still there but not as much as in some other applications. Now compound things with directionality in an already resolving system and all bets are off, at least to my ears with my system.

I know I hear a difference and I have no doubts whatsoever what Bryon hears due to what I just said.

All the best,
See me, feel me, touch me.. whats that say about auditory response...nothing. But those are the other means by which we hear and communicate. When a violinist puts the instrument to their chin are they hearing only with their ears or are they sensing the music thru their bones and their skull? When we listen to music in the field how do we absorb that vibrational influence? Thru our flesh and bones. Perhaps means some people may be physically absent when they listen. Tom
I agree that we sometimes neglect the fact that we hear through our skin, cartilage, and bone in order to complete the 'picture', if you will. That was never the subject of this thread though it can come into play if it were operating at the same level of a change of fuses. It isn't.

If we were to somehow limit our hearing to just what enters the ears (like a microphone), the changing of a fuse wouldn't be appreciated any less (or more) than if all the additional membranes were working with them.

I believe it's on another level.

It's a nuance that can't be measured but heard and appreciated. Like changing a cap or resistor. The volume doesn't change, the measurements don't change, it's the flavor, tone, air and focus.

I'd like to see what measured differences there would be, on paper, before and after a change of fuse(s) compared to what we actually hear. I'd bet that the measurements would be the same but we would hear an actual difference.

Or I'm completely wet.

All the best,
A charge is always seeking ground even if it is thru a 32 gauge wire a hunk of lead or a hanging berry of sorbothane. The key is how long it will take that charge to get to the other side and how much of its original content arrives intact on that left side of the road. We sense this ..some do. You can see the influences of vibrational energy across the grounding plain of a electro mechanical device with the aid of a RTA.. it can be seen in the frequency response.