Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
"Is't it a little premature to write fuses off in light of all the positive press and customer testimony?"

Geof, if you read my posts, you'll see that I do not write fuses off. I acknowledge that they might make a difference. I just put them way down on the list of potential tweaks I would make just to improve sound.

IF my gear does not sound right and I isolate a problem to a particular piece, then a fuse replacement is probably something I would consider. I would replace with a good quality fuse recommended by the maker most likely. It may or may not be an "audiphile" fuse. If the new fuse works, I will loose no sleep thereafter until the next "real" issue pops up.

Sorry, I have better things to do than continuously tweak in hopes of better sound with little or no basis for decision making other than some things worked for some.

Others may differ in their priorities. More power to them!

Not sure how/why you would take issue with this. There are many out there willing to try the tweak of the month. They will probablly end up happy as well as long as the result is not negative. Not to hard to accomplish with fuses IMHO.
"Not sure how/why you would take issue with this. "

Well, actually I do in that you are a vendor of tweaks that at worse probably do nothing which is good enough for many I suppose.
Let's talk about "minor" tweaks for a minute.

1) by definition the effects of a minor tweak will be minor or subtle probably at best.

2) some minor tweaks may in fact do nothing. THese have less downside than tweaks that actually do something. That something could be judged better or worse.

3) Tweaks that do nothing have less potential downside. Therefore, fewer are likely to be disappointed.
Of course non of these facts regarding minor tweaks will be relevant when my funky little fuses hit the market. THey will simply be just awesome and not minor in any way! Just wait and see/hear :).
06-10-12: Geoffkait
Bryon, another hilarious post....of course I was joking by calling myself a troll.
Of course that's the card you're going to play. It's the only one left in your hand. But the hand is over. You went all in and lost. To remind folks...
06-09-12: Geoffkait
Bryon, what is hilarious is that you spend so much time arguing with *me* - geez, I thought everyone knew I was just a dodge and weave troll.
Taken on its own, this comment could be interpreted either literally or ironically. You're telling us now that you meant it ironically. If that were true, then why did you go on to say in the next sentence…
Hell, I wasn't allowed to post here for four years, even to defend myself, because the threads tended to get a little, uh, out of hand.
You are SUBSTANTIATING the idea that you are a Troll. The fact that you weren’t allowed to post here for four years is EVIDENCE that you are a Troll. It's very difficult to believe that your remark was ironic when you go on to provide an excellent reason to interpret it LITERALLY. And adding to that…
…all this angst and hand wringing has me a little puzzled. I wonder, IS IT SOMETHING I SAID? HA HA HA[emphasis added]
You are acknowledging in that sentence that you find it funny to provoke people with your posts. That is the VERY DEFINITION of a Troll. You are leaving Smoking Guns all over the place, Geoff. It's almost like you WANT to get caught.

You radically overestimate the plausibility of your façade of nonchalance. And you underestimate people’s ability to see what's underneath it. You can pretend to laugh this off, but the genie is out of the bottle.

Moving on to your latest attempt at misdirection…
Now, the real question is who is the troll here, you or me? You have certainly stalked me like one.

I'VE stalked YOU? Hmm. Let me think about that. Why don't we take a look at the evidence? Here are our first five interactions on this thread...

On 4/27, my first post appeared on the thread. My last paragraph was about fuse direction. Your first post was 2 POSTS AFTER ME. It was also about fuse direction.

On 4/28, I said that “the intuition of experts, has been wrong innumerable times.” In the VERY NEXT POST, YOU SAID: “the argument that "innumerable" people, even experts, are wrong is that there only needs to be one person, expert or not, that is right to prove the thing works.”

On 4/29, I listed whatever explanations I could find from the web for the audible effects of fuses. The NEXT DAY, YOU COMMENTED on my list.

On 5/7, in a follow up to my first fuse experiment, I commented that, during my experiment, I could not hear any differences with fuse direction. 2 POSTS AFTER, YOU SPECULATED that masking effects might be the reason I didn’t hear it.

On 5/11, I commented on Roger’s observations about fuse measurements. 2 POSTS AFTER, YOU DID THE SAME.

I’m getting bored. Let’s just skip ahead to the point where things turned ugly...

On 6/6, I posted a reply to Talk2me about the comparative fuse testing I did during my two experiments. 2 POSTS AFTER, YOU COMMENTED, in effect, that comparative fuse testing was a waste of time.

Let’s recap...

In our first 5 interactions, YOU FOLLOWED ME EVERY TIME.

In our most recent interaction, YOU FOLLOWED ME AGAIN.

So the suggestion that I’m stalking you is patently absurd. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is going to fall for that.

On the other hand, if someone were to suggest that YOU are stalking ME… well, the evidence above speaks for itself. There should be a word for a situation where someone attributes his own behavior to another person... Oh yeah, there is: PROJECTION.

As for your comments about my system and my hearing, you really are grasping at straws. It’s sad.
