What have YOU got?

I am curious to know what the general AudioGon population has for equipment, so let's hear it! Any female audiophiles out there? Let us know...
My system is pretty simple, but it does the job. I have a CAL Audio DX-2 CD player, Golden Tube SEP-2 preamp and GT SE-100 power amp which I just bought, wired with a pair of Cardas Quadlink 5c to a pair of Hales Rev 2s. Like I said, I just bought the amp and recently moved and am trying to assess the system right now, but I really do enjoy it, which is really what this is about. Audiogon has been a great asset in trying to do all of this...
B&K ST 1400 II amp

B&K PT3 pre-amp

CAL DX-2 CD Player

PSB Stratus Bronze speakers

Tara Labs Prism Bi-wire speaker wire

Tara Labs Prism 33i interconnect

Transparent The One interconnect

Total cost: about $2500, and I love it!

This system is still pretty new to me (it's my first "high end" set up). There's some odd/missing pieces and it's still a work in progress (aren't they all, though?): McCormack DNA-1 (Revision B upgrade) amp Sonic Frontier Line 1 pre-amp CAL Alpha/Delta DAC and transport Hales Revelation 3 speakers NBS Stingher ICs and AQ Type 4+ cables (soon to be upgraded)
Sumo Nine Plus power amp Sumo Axiom CD-transport Sony DVP-S530 DVD Proceed PDP DAC Rotel RC970BX Pre-amp TDL RTL2 SE Loudspeakers Kimber Kable Digital X Kimber Kable Hero's Kimber Kable PBJ's Kimber Kable 4VS
speakers- aerial 10t's(no stands braced from basement) source- wadia 850 direct amp- krell-fpb-200 power cords- 2 essence cords interconnect- harmonic technology pro-silway II speaker cable- harmonic technology pro-9 internal biwire accessories- black diamond (pits and cones) very comfortable listening chair