PS Audio Multiwave

Anybody heard the Power Plant upgrade? What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
I'd agree with you except that even if you were to buy the PP300 now with the multiwave option installed by the factory, you would still have to pay the extra $250. It's not as if you were paying the $995 for the unit before the Multiwave option was available and now you'd be paying the same $995 with the Multiwave option. As for having to install it yourself it really is easy, though I would expect that if you didn't want to do it yourself you could work something out with the factory to have them install it. Only you can decide if the Multiwave option is worth the $250.
Hifisam...I see what your saying, but I think your missing my point. Think of the cost of all the components that go into making the P300. Then add the cost of assembly. The P300 retails for $995.00. PS Audio is charging an additional $250.00 for the multiwave, which consist of a board & a chip...both relatively inexpensive items. On a production line this would take less than 2 minutes to install (I'm being very generous here). Based on this, my point quite simply is...the price charged for the multiwave is not justified. I think what's happening here is Mr McGowan has developed an improvement to his power plants & more importantly a real money maker. I feel the P300 at $995.00 is a great deal for the sonic improvements it makes to a system (which is why it has done so well). On the other hand I feel the price charged for the multiwave is a RIP OFF! In my opinion charging $100 would be a fair price & PS Audio would still be making a very nice profit. Manufacturers should not bite the hand that feeds them. Stop the price gouging PS Audio.
Sagger, as with all things technology, the fact that it is merely a chip and a board is not a sound way to draw conclusions about what it should cost. For one thing, what's on that board? But the main thing is that you are paying for SOFTWARE here, new technology patented by PS Audio, who are entitled to recoup their development time and make a profit on it. $250 may be a rip as you say, but I tend to think not. --Dan
Drubin: I guess we don't see eye to eye...There a hake of a lot more SOFTWARE technology & developement time in the original P300 as opposed to the multiwave. Sorry, believe what you want, but in my opinion there is no way that the multiwave upgrade jusitfies a 25% increase of that products total cost!
What has been people's experiance with operating the PS 300 in the 250 - 300 watts range? A friend has had a problem with it over heating and cutting out. The equipment I have plugged into mine only draws 90 watts.