Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
07-23-12: Almarg
...as I suggested earlier, how do we know that comparable differences would not occur if an extensive and thorough comparison were performed among several different inexpensive garden-variety fuses? Especially given that the technical explanations for the alleged benefits of expensive fuses are not well established, at least in a manner that withstands quantitative scrutiny...
I agree, Al.
07-23-12: Nonoise
I just can't deny what I'm hearing. Bryon hears something different. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree until more negative anecdotal evidence builds up.
Hi Nonoise - I can't recall exactly what your experiences with fuses have been. Mine were mixed.

In my first experiment, described on 5/5, I preferred the stock fuse to the Hifi Tuning Silverstars, both in my Pass amp and my Meridian preamp.

In my second experiment, described on 5/18, I preferred the Isoclean fuse to the stock fuse in my preamp, but I could not hear a difference between the Furutech fuse and the stock fuse in my Pass amp.

In my third experiment, which I never described in detail, I slightly preferred the Furutech fuse to the stock fuse in my Parasound amp.

So my order of preference for each component was...

Meridian Preamp: Isoclean > stock > Hifi Tuning Silverstar
Pass Amp: Furutech & stock > Hifi Tuning Silverstar
Parasound Amp: Furutech > stock

Of course, YMMV.

All this is just a friendly reminder to Nonoise. To my detractors, please let's not start the argument all over again.

Just when you think all the controversy regarding fuses has been settled This happens!
With a 30 day, no risk, money-back guarantee; no one has an excuse not to try them. SR is obviously quite confident.
"With a 30 day, no risk, money-back guarantee; no one has an excuse not to try them."

I am not an EE so I often do not feel qualified to determine valid replacement parts in my gear.

Plus the fuses I have sound plenty good to me.

Those would be my excuses in a nutshell.

Rodman, by your logic, everyone should try every product out there that offers a no risk money-back guarantee.

Obviously many do not care enough or feel comfortable doing their own tweaks of this nature in which case they should stay away.

Otherwise, nice guarantee.....have at it!
In the past I have had stock , Isoclean, and Furotech fuses in my Art Audio PX-25 tube amp, and my Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player. In June I replaced these fuses with Synergistic Research fuses. Since these were the power fuses at the A/C inlet the equipment does not have to be opened to change the fuse. Simply pull out the fuse tray below the plug and change the fuse.
I was quite impressed by the improvement the SR fuse made. The 3-D sound stage was much improved. Detail was improved but did not favor one frequency range at the expense of another. The sound was more detailed but more relaxed. I did not experence listener fatigue.
As easy as it is to swap power fuses in most equipment and no risk to return the fuses, I think this is a fun and rewarding experiment most audio hobbiests will enjoy doing.
David Pritchard