Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??

I was wondering whether to dive into the world of Vinyl or wait for the new format to settle. You see, I have not listened to vinyl for more than 20 years now. I have all rated A equipment and cables and good collection of Audiophile and not so Audiophile CD. Recently I have been thinking of taking a dive into the world of Vinyl. However, knowing myself, I will not be satisfied unless I get some highend stuff which will cost me some serious amount of money. Not to mention that I have to start my collection of software. So my question here for you guys who want to help. Shall I make the move or just wait for the SACD/DVDA ? your input would be much appreciated.
Yes vinyl does sound better when properly set up? Why the question mark because most people are not that committed to better sound and with the troubles galore that can happen more with an analog based system than cd. Lets also look at the purchase of software new and old. I would have to rake my brain just starting now looking for vinyl. Where, how, and when would I find it. Would I travel about looking under every garage sale,old record stores,or maybe place an ad on Craigslist and hope for an old widow who is selling her dearly departed husbands 10,000 lp collection for ten cents a record,ain't happening fellows been down that road.What about purchasing newly pressed reissues, Thats another ball of wax. Their expensive compared to cd/sacds, many have to be returned and how long before they close thier doors or just stop pressing vinyl? I have a little over 2000 lps myself and a modest player compared to many on this post. I would have to say if I was starting over I would stay with digital and hope for better sound down the road.
I think vinyl is clearly superior to SACD, based on listening on my relatively modest system. The Pro-ject RM10 with a Sumiko Blackbird is less than $3000 and will get you very near the ultimate in resolution.

1-bit technology with a 5.6mHz sampling rate CAN indeed surpass vinyl, but I think that the lack of consumer demand for high quality signals is going to limit the availability of high quality music in ultra high resolution fomats. I DID buy a Korg MR1000 to archive my vinyl and show off to friends and make the occasional live recording, but I think we're a few years away from hi-rez digital that equals vinyl.

To all intents & purposes this makes a lot of sense -- ten years ago
I would have to say if I was starting over I would stay with digital and hope for better sound down the road.
Ten years ago, because digital seems to be sliding at the moment; much of it is lossy & severely compressed. So, we (and quite a few pro's as well) are still -- or back -- into vinyl.
I think we're a few years away from hi-rez digital that equals vinyl.
My Goodness, wouldn't that be great, I for one, am ready to wait a few years!
I have to agree with Cardinal. What other format has withstood the test of time like vinyl? Vinyl has actually improved over the years, with the release of some original artwork/gatefolds and ultra sleek album sleeves/covers built to last, and reprints from original masters are being cut out of 180+ gram vinyl.

I've been making mix tapes with albums and CD's for many years, and the sound repro is usually very similar between the two formats. I do however love to really push my system, and with vinyl, I am constantly amazed and blown away by the realism of the format. It has withstood the test of time.

If I were you Myoussif, I'd be finding a decent turntable and diving right in. I mean look at the sales of used turntables on the net. It's unreal how much some of the higher-end tables are commanding.

This hobby and format is far from over, and although the DJ and the audiophile have held on to the format for dear life, young buyers are starting to push up the sales of singles, and a new age of listener might actually be starting a trend that depends more on the ear and the art of listening, instead of simply wanting portability.

By the looks of the packed bins of new vinyl at my favorite record store, the format is doing just fine. For me, owning a CD is like owning a poster reproduction. Owning vinyl, is like having the original masterpiece!
There's been decades of evolution in vinyl technology and it shows in the results. Doubtful anyone one this forum subjects their records to a 1930's steel needle marconi. Digital technology is still a neophyte. Once clocking stabilizes on AD/DA converters at sample rates that can reproduce at least a fourth level harmonic undistorted then I'll throw out the table. In the meantime I'll still enjoy the soundstage and tonal fullness that only analog can provide.
So the recommendation depends on your patience level. If you can hold out for at least another five years then wait. If not, I'd suggest it's worth buying a decent used rig