How many of us fall asleep while

listening to music in the sweet spot? I do ALL the time :) Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
I too fall asleep while listening to my system. I've been thinking that there is something wrong with my system and that it does not involve the listener to the music. May be it is just the oposite. Happy listening...
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This brings up one of the reasons why music is so great. It moves us. I ditto Elizabeth's comments and do wonder if this is an elevated meditation state rather than plain zonking out. The music can achieve some profound state in my mind then when the music stopping (not silence is my analog system) the difference is very pronounced - very loud as Elizabeth says. I notice that when I am listening to Classic 45's and most CDs this never happens. It seems that there is a zone for me at 15 to 30+ minutes that makes the music work for me and then makes that blanking silence more pronounced. Getting up to change a record every 8-15 minutes doesn't quite allow me to get "there" and I very seldom get into to a CD's music presentation "there". In both cases, I just simply may not be listening to the music. A lot of good LPs and well-performed live classical music performances do it for me. It just could be my listening readiness, time related, and my attention span.
Just remember, even though you're in La-La land during the music you're brain is absorbing all that is coming out of those speakers! Music is one of the best and most addictive drugs know to man and it's no wonder we can't keep our eyes open when we down a large dose of good music after a rough day !!! ENJOY THE ADDICTION....