"Krell" is a buzzword

When I look at how the posts involving Krell deteriorate to the point of civil(actually not so civil) war, I have to say that "Krell" has become a buzzword. It seems as if you just have to mention the name, and the mobilization begins. Sooner or later the insults sink to the level that make the thread completely unrecognizable from the original question. I am more neutral than not on Krell(probably not many of us around). Used to dream about them in my bigger is better solid state days, but have since moved in other directions. Now I am a definite tubeophile, and don't even think about Krell. But, I don't say you cannot build a great system around their products. Just have to apply the right surrounding components. But don't you have to do that with many brands of amp? So, do you agree that Krell has become a buzzword, and why?
Dekay, you sound very practicle with your set up. Since you like to listen to music and serve at the same time, have you consider using the PC as a source? I saw some new D/A sound card which was featured in Sept. issue of Stereophile, but have not read through the article in details. Has any heard anything about this product? How do you all feel about the PC eventually becoming your one source of music?
redkiwi: as you know, i think your posts are generally first rate. as a longtime owner of both bmw's and rolex's, however, i resent their connection to krell, a product i've listened to extesively but would never own. cheers, anyway!
Yep, Tswhitsel, I do respect Trelja's posts (and threads), and I may have come across as a bit defensive toward you-- sorry-- hope you will post more, and maybe even on the thread "Who Are U". You seem to have a thoughtful and articulate style of writing, IMO. Redkiwi's above post makes as much sense as any I've seen/heard re: Krell's "odd" reputation (at least on this site). Their reputation is certainly not because they make a poor product, although like any other, taste and opinion(s)vary. Cheers. Craig.
Carl, you're partially right in your profiling of me. I do work on wall street but not as a high paid broker. I am just a administrator that makes those margin/house calls for the money hungry brokers. There are too many instances when greed takes over and the investors refuses to take their profits hoping to make more. Most of them think that if they can just hang on a little longer than tell make even more money. Guess what?..those people lost all their money as fast as they made it. And you sir, if you've made as much as you said you did and didn't sell it already. I you'll be hearing from me or someone else like me....as for Krell..their products are nice, but don't you feel that they are in it for the money. They turn and burn out more models more than Hondas. Bottomline, I think most dislike Krell because of what it represents, but I am sure all would own one if the price is cheap enough.
Thanks Cornfedboy. My impression is that people object to the "character" of Krells as opposed to their quality (the latter being more obviously the case with of Bose), but the distinction may be difficult to maintain. I am actually more a fan for Alfa than I am for BMW (again for character reasons, not for quality) - but it is hard to fault Rolexes on any level except perhaps their bulk (we are talking character again). But I do not have your level of experience with Krell and so bow to your superior knowledge on this point.