Why is it that the folks who use the AMR or Supremes( I've got both)describe the effects of the fuses with the same descriptive language?
Or, in other words,different gear, but a similar sonic description of the improvements.
My position then is that if $80.00 a fuse is all that's holding you back,then 20 bucks should make the investment a little easier to take.
Then if you like what 20 buck fuses have to offer, you can move up the food chain,the choice is yours.
My personal preference for the AMR fuses at the moment is that my amps are old,and if something goes south and takes a fuse with it, a 20 buck loss is easier to take.
Until I tried the AMR, all I had used were the Supremes in these amps besides the stock fuses.
The Supremes have become my spares, and when you need 4 of them for the amps , 80 bucks for the AMR compared to 320.oo for the Supremes makes sense to me,especially when I don't notice a great deal of difference.
Different colourations, but not as big a difference as between a stock fuse and a 20 buck AMR.
I think the fact that so many people have such low expectations of a 20 buck AMR fuse doing anything different than a stock fuse isn't really all that bad.
It provides bigger impact when someone finds out for themself.