Attention Deficit Disorder Audiophilia

While I don't believe in such a thing, my wife thinks I suffer from "ADD" and finds the symptons particularly pronounced when I 1) change tracks frequnetly 2) adjust volume, speaker positions etc. 3) listen to the same track or watch the same classic scene in a movie over and over again. Can anyone relate to this? She thinks I am nuts and annoying but I think I am simply very passionate and discerning and can't really relax and enjoy the music/movie unless it's really good and things are just right.
I'm an aspiring clinical psychologist, so y'all just mention this site in a few years and get 20% off:) Seriously, I'm sorry to hear about your OCD, Dave. I know how profound its effects are. As for Joe, he probably is a bit neurotic like most audiophiles and the general population for that matter. All audiophiles (and thier SOs) could use a good shrink or two. Cuckoo to you!
Thanks for the kind sentiments Ohlala. Someday we'll figure out the very complex interaction of neurochemical synaptic mechanisms in the brain. Until then I'll just take my SSRI's and put some vinyl on my Simon Yorke Series 7. Take Care :-) -Dave S.
I think that all audiophiles have some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder. Who else but an obsessive person would spend the kind of money we do on gear or constantly try to tweak things. At times it sucks but in the end I feel its better. It helps push us to great accomplishments.
Garfish: you are too high tech prone, forget the RC for the wife a good'ol breaker will do!!! Or a nice set of wire cutters? OOPS here we go again trying to describe things under electronics jargon what a case, aren't we????
I forgot, Charlie nice recommendation on Lyle Lovett Thanks Garfish have gotten the Cowboy junkies 86-95 Studio, really like Margo´s voice, what would your next suggestion be?