Why Is Krell the a bad work???

I am new in this cyber town. Please explain why Krell is such a hated word? Most every review of there products are very positive. In fact I have a 200 FPB and love it.
What does my grammar have to do with anything? I suppose that I should dumb myself down to the average, or below. Ok cornpone, I'll give you a break. I'm outta this here place and headed back to the queen of my double wide palace. Stop by sometime, we'll get drunk an shoot some stuff up.
Retroguy, I have no issue with your grammar. It is irrelevant to me. I am only concerned with content. While I cannot say your methods will win friends, I welcome your opinions. Whether I agree or disagree. And please give me the respect of not blanketly saying that we on this site only regurgitate what others say. I do not regurgitate opinion. I form my own, and share them. Whether they are right or wrong(if that even applies), is secondary to the point that they ARE mine.