Audio Hype!!

Well I have to be honest,I love high end equipment and all the fun tweaking,and trading,and trying out new stuff. However, it has much hype behind it because I think that we all understand by now that--we are never totally happy with any one piece of gear. By hype I mean we read great reviews of some cable and the miracles that it is suppose to create,but we know deep down(if you have any experiance in this hobby)that it never stands up to our expectations once we use it for some period of time--that is just an example but I believe this holds true to all equipment--and then we sell and try the next flavor of the week which is normally just a side step VS. an upgrade of the last piece we owned. Its a vicious cycle does it ever end?(I know that question is like asking why the earth exists and there is no answer)However, my question is have we just created this illusion of what we wish 99% of the products out their should do, while at the same time damaging our checkbooks to prove the illusion wrong?
A thought...and why the hype succeeds.

I have been a hi-fi enthusiast for over 30 years (I consider the term "audiophile" a perjorative that reeks with the scent of HP and all the other know-nothing self-appointed gurus who depend on "audiophiles" to slavishly follow them so they can reap the benefits of free equipemnt and "industry accomodation prices.) I have been down the high-end road twice. I left the hobby for over a dozen years and returned to listening to music, not equipment. I now build my own amps, preamps and make my own cables and power cords. It is emminently satisfying and produces a home listening experience you can't buy down at High End Inc AT ANY PRICE!

I know of no hobby where a larger percentage of its participants through such lavish sums of money at things they know so little about. And they become the rightful prey of snake-oil peddlers of magic wires and $6K AC cords, of exotic wood hockey pucks and pointy things that either "couple" or "decouple" (pick your ad) your amp from its platform.

Do yourself a favor. Next time you feel the need to upgrade, go to your local university bookstore and get a copy of their introductory text to circuit theory. Learn Ohm's law. Then get a copy of the 4th edition of the Radiotron Designer's Handbook or Tremaine's Audio Cyclopedia (both OOP), and start trudging through. Your fatter bank account will be your reward.

A secret - everything you need to know to build a good amplifier was already known by 1930. In 1927, Western Electric engineers built a single compression driver that had flat response from 80 Hz to 15kHz. Try to find one like it today.

Educate yourselves (yes, you're gonna have to do a little math, but it's simple algebra) and stop spending thousands on speaker cables with mystery boxes or "light" as an insulator (Geez, was Barnum ever right) so you can hook them to an output transformer that cost $50.

Even if you don't want to venture into DIY - but the very best in music reproduction in the home is coming off the workbenches of gonzo DIYers, not off the assembly lines of Krell or ARC - you will still know enough to not fall for all the BS and smoke and mirrors the Harry Pearsons of this world try to foist onto you.

An educated consumer makes wise choices. A man with the Recommended Components List in his hand is low-hanging friut ripe for the picking.

I have read some of the threads here and must agree with the person who obsrved that a large number of folks are assembling systems based on the status they convey and not the music the can play. If you know how this stuff works, it's not necessary to repeat their status-concious mistakes.

Feel free to flame away at my e-mail addy ;-).
Well, if it will make any of you feel better, my wife's hobby is collecting souvenirs. Her plastic snowdome collection alone has cost more than $30,000 in the past 7 years. My main system right now, some of it purchased used cost under $4000.00. I find this hobby (hifi) to offer a lot more bang for the buck than my wife's. I would estimate that I have only spent $2K additional on stuff that I did not end up keeping and then either sold or gave away to family members. I realize that many of you have much more expensive systems, but just think of those 2500 or so crappy plastic souvenir snowdomes the next time you get bummed about the money.
Psieg- Lots of what you say is probably correct. However, not all of us have the ability or time for DIY. One thing this site does is allow us to dabble w/o spending huge sums. And I guess some folks get a lot of pleasure out of spending big $ on audio, others buy cars and others design and build audio (or cars). I imagine you get as much pleasure out of the design/build process as you do from listening (or maybe as much when you add in the pleasure of knowing how much $ you saved. Anyways, just my thoughts, but please try to be tolerant of those not as talented, skilled, or with as much free time (I envy all of the above). No flames here, though.
But why would the magazines persuade us to buy junk? They are the most ethical people out there, right?
Swampwalker, I am being tolerant. For years I was working 60+-hour weeks and was a "checkbook" audiophile simply because I had money but no time. Even so, that didn't stop me from continuing my "education" in things electronics which started in grad school (Math) when I took a sophmore-level EE circuits course.

I agree with you. Not everyone can DIY. But I do think everyone can make themselves into an educated comsumer. I assume people in this hobby are reasonably bright from the simple fact that someone is paying you a big enough salary to be able to afford these audio baubles. That implies some level of intelligence.

Why trust an audio reviewer (ever wonder how one "qualifies" to be a reviewer?) or a dealer ("High End Done Right!") when you can trust yourself?