A Tombstone in the Living room????

I have read that granite is awesome to put under electronics.Ive also read how very expensive it is.I went to our friendly neighborhood tombstone maker and asked if he could sell me some.(yes he asked what I wanted it for) I hate that! anyway he showed me some "pet markers" 18"x 12"x2" at $120 !! Then he remembered he had a scrap piece.(polished on 1 side)30"x 18"x 3" he said I could it have for $20!! He offered to cut it for $10 so I can end up with 2 pieces 15"x 18"x3" for $30 anyway,has anyone used granite under their components and how did it work out?
You have krell stuff,right? and the tombstone(s) go up-right "behind" the monos? Sorry David, I can't help myself.
I have been using granite (a 50lb slab) under my tt for years now. It provides a vibration free foundation to which many isolation devices over the years have tried to accomplish. I wont part with my piece and your post reminds me that I live within a mile of a cemetary. I should follow your lead and find some scrap pieces for the rest of my gear.
I slipped a 1" thick slab of granite under my Oracle Delphi IV, sure makes a HUGE difference. Jeff