How to Move Heavy Audio Components

Does anyone have suggestions on moving heavy pieces of equipment. How does one person box up a 90lb.amp or a 100 lb. speaker? The older I get the weight of the component is becoming a critical consideration.Thank you.
you, i and joe cocker must everyday depend more and more on a little help from our friends. it's also advisable, of course, to have the right tools. in this case two are necessary; an :upright" (appliance) dolly and a 4-wheel (furniture) dolly. it also helps to watch professional movers use this equipment. it's amazing what a little leverage can accomplish.
One word: Youth. Find a/several younger responsible fellows to give you a hand.
I use an upright dolly and I've moved all kinds of extremely heavy gear with it. I'm not a big guy, but I managed to get my Kharma speakers (225 pounds per crate, each) from the garage into the living room and then unpacked w/o any problems. I even used this dolly to move some VERY large and heavy bookcases from one room to another to make space for a new couch, all by my lonesome. If you mess around buying and selling big gear for your system, a nice dolly is a requirement, it is not a luxury. I got a really sweet one for $50 at Home Depot....