Coping in an Age of Uncertainty

there have been numerous threads here, i know, about sacd v. dvd-a, upsampling, oversampling, etc. a number of these threads have included discussions of which, if any, new digital format will replace what we now call “redbook” cd’s. i don’t wish to rehash these discussions. rather, i’d like to hear from others how they are coping with the “age of uncertainty” in the realm of digital audio. is it better to “roll the dice” and invest in sacd or dvd a? ignore the contenders for the new and get the best possible out of redbook cd’s? buy with upgradeability firmly in mind? follow another path? i don’t post this query out of mere curiosity. i really haven’t figured out what course i should follow. i’d appreciate your giving me a hand. -kelly
i almost plunged for sacd. but ultimatly went for upsampled redbook. bottom line ,ive got hundreds of cd;s and one double format sacd that sounds pretty darn good in 2 channel redbook format. if i were starting from scratch maybe. but i also kept my record collection when everyone was dumping theres, so who knowes what the future holds.
Hi all, I am waiting for something thats more than just an increment above redbook cd before I spring for a new format player. I've heard both SACD and DVD-A, and I dont feel either is light years above redbook cd. Besides, I have over five hundred LP's to listen to as well as regular CD, so for now i'm a happy camper. I think the music industry should be able to offer something that stands head and shoulders above the previous format before we're asked to hand over our hard-earned shekels for the same catalogue of music.............AGAIN! And yes,I am aware that some new music hasnt been offered on older formats, as well as some older music not being offered on newer formats. So i guess I'm in the holdout camp, Kelly.
Hey Vvrinc, you forgot number 11! The amount that one is a "true" audiophile goes up in direct proportion to the amount one imbibes just before listening.
it's easy:

try to decisde which sounds better to you.

listen to a dual layer disc on several sacd/universal players and see which sounds better.

suppose after listening to e.g., 10 sacd players with a variety of discs, you prefer the sacd.

the next step is to listen to the redbook layer on your preferred cd player and the sacd layer on a preferred sacd
player. which do you prefer ??

essentially, you are comparing a very good cd player vs a very good sacd player, using dual layer discs.

be careful how you do this.

my experience tells me that remastered 16 bit cds don't always sound better than the original 16 bit.

you need a mix of current recordings and remastered 16 bit recordings. note all the differences.

this is not easy because, in the final analysis if you can't do this on your own system, it may be difficult to a meaningful analysis at a dealer.

hope this helps.