Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?
Albert, I believe it was Cindi Lauper who did the music on Peewee's Playhouse? And Bluenose, I'm guessing 5 consecutive top 10's for the DC5?
Here's an obscure one--what is the real name of Terry Cashman (of Cashman, Pistilli and West and "Mickey, Willie and the Babe" fame)?
Rcprince, correct on Cindi Lauper for Peewees Playhouse music. And Estrnad, very observant! Yes to Clockwork Orange on Heaven 17, a wonderful film by my favorite director, in "2001" and every other year.
Oh, forgot to say. I gave a +2 for both of you for your expert answers. This was promised in the rules set by David 99.
Hey Albert. SRV was far more important than Bowie in making Let's Dance a good album. I used to be a concert security drone and of the performers I've seen Bowie definitely won the God Complex Crown.

Here are some trivia questions on the Bowie/SRV:

1. What led to Stevie quitting the Thin White Dork's tour ?

2. What guitarist's licks did Stevie copy for 'Let's Dance' ?

3. Related to 2, what crummy Bowieesque MTV action ticked off Stevie ?

SRV General:

4. What Rocky movie features stevie (music only) and another music legend known for his taste in guitarists ?

5. Who gave Stevie (3 days!) free studio time to record 'Texas Flood'